May 12, 2022
Vol 150 , NO. 22
S a n B e r n a r d i n o Va l l e y C o l l e g e F o u n d a t i o n hits $500,000 scholarship goal early
Community News
he San Bernardino Valley College Foundation has hit an extraordinary goal — three years ahead of schedule.
The Unforgettables Foundation raises 10K f or families in need Pg. 4
As part of its 5-year strategic plan, the SBVC Foundation set a target of being able to award at least $500,000 in student scholarships annually. This spring, the nonprofit organization reached that goal early, thanks to interest accrued from its endowment, grants, donations, and events.
This spring, SBVC's 95th anniversary gala raised more than $175,000, with the net profit going to scholarships for the 2022/2023 academic year.
"Investment account earnings over the past two years were substantial," SBVC Foundation Director Mike Layne said. "Our endowment, through Bank of America: US Trust, grew from $3.9 million a little over two years ago to nearly $5.5 million at the end of December 2021. The interest accrued is what drives most of our scholarship awards. Individual donors and planned giving also help grow the size of our endowment." SBVC, cont. on next pg.
Co lto n Pol ice pr e sent emplo yee awards
By Dr.G (Dr luis S González), community writer
May 15th is Peace Officers Memorial Day! A day to honor all of our fallen peace offiH OW TO R E AC H US
Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898
Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
ast weekend the Colton Police Department, under the leadership of Chief Henry Dominguez, took a welldeserved pause from their daily duties to recognize a few select individuals for their outstanding service to the Department, and to the City of Colton.
This annual event, held at the Colton First Assembly Church, has grown in popularity over the last few years, and this year included a delicious buffet-style reception, sponsored by El Rey Del Pollo, a new restaurant on Mt. Vernon Avenue.
The men and women who were recognized are not only “hometown heroes” for protecting our streets, neighborhoods and facilities, they are also citizens, residents, spouses, parents, and even sons and daughters of our older
photos courtesy
ColtoN PoliCe DePt.
the awards presentation took place at colton First Assembly church and among those recognized are (top row from left): Michael Brunelle, Alise Smith, Cheryl evans, (below from left) Anthony Barron, and Marisa Martinez. population. They have a difficult job and put their lives and wellbeing on the line each and every day. Their goal is “to serve and to protect,” says Chief Dominguez, who along with Lt Raymond Mendez, did not hesitate to mention specific accomplishments and heroic actions taken by these individuals. Awards, cont. on next pg.