Vol 149 , NO. 23
May 20, 2021
“Fair y godmother s” make prom dreams come tr ue for Colton High senior s
SB County on the road to recover y Pg. 3
Colton Pride mothers or Fairy Godmothers, pictured from left, Lisa Villa, Vanessa Lambert, Anna Bustillos, Amber Suchil, Yellowjacket mascot, Veronica Gaitan, Betty Moreno, Laura Rodriguez, Betsy Diaz, were determined to throw a prom for seniors. By Marina Rojas
he 2020-2021 school year has been full of all kinds of adjustments and surprises for students nationwide. For the graduating Colton High
2021 senior class, it was no surprise to be told there would be no school sponsored prom this year.
A group of students who had been friends since kindergarten were sad to realize there would
be no senior events, which meant no senior class memories for them. But that group of students didn’t realize that their mothers were hard at work to change that harsh reality into a dream that even Cinderella and Prince
Charming would be jealous of.
The eight fairy godmothers (also known as: Lisa Villa, Vanessa Lambert, Anna Prom, cont. on next pg.
Council member Isaac Suchil announces bid to r un for new District 3 in 2022 Press release
Expungement and hiring event at T h e Wa y Pg. 4
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
ver the past few years, Isaac Suchil he has served as Council Member for District 6. Now with the new District 3 in 2022 he will have an opportunity to serve south Colton residents where he grew up on M St. & L St. and knows what it is to truly grow up in south Colton. He plans to bring new ideas and businesses to the South Colton Area, and also continue to serve the residents of La Loma Hills and Cooley Ranch areas. His record of accomplishments for District #6: 1. He brought better lighting to the neighborhood in La Loma Hills. 2. He moved the approval of Suchil, cont. on next pg.
Current District 6 councilman Isaac Suchil has announced his intention to run for city council seat in the new District 3 area. The councilman is pictured with wife Regina Suchil.