Vol 148 , NO. 29
July 02, 20 20
Woman’s Club awards Er nest Cisneros $1,000 high school scholar ship By Marina Rojas
Wishing the community a safe 4th of July weekend
he Colton Woman’s Club (CWC) is pleased to announce Ernest Mateo Cisneros as the winner of their 2020 Colton High School $1000 Scholarship. In past years, the Scholarship application has included an inperson interview, but with the COVID-19 restrictions, the club decided to base this year’s winning entry solely on the written portion of the process. Applicants were asked the questions: What are your educational and career goals and how has the quarantine affected your attitude or perspective of what you are hoping to accomplish in the next five to ten years? Do you expect to make any philanthropic impact in your community or surrounding areas? After many hours of reading Scholarship, cont. on next pg.
CWC President Pat Collier presenting 2020 $1000 Scholarship check to Ernest Mateo Cisneros.
Colton Councilmember collects 30 ba gs of trash at freeway of f-ramp
IEFLP holds 36th annual conference online Pg. 6 PHOTOS
Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising: sales@ iec n.c om
Councilmember Dr. G. collected about 30 bags full of trash at the freeway off-ramp at E. Valley Boulevard & Sperry Dr. By Manny B. Sandoval
olton Councilmember Dr. G (Dr. Luis S. Gonzalez) collected around 30 bags of trash while
cleaning up the freeway off-ramp at E. Valley Boulevard & Sperry Dr., on Wednesday June 24.
bly made about 80 trips to the recycle space, in a three-hour time span,” said Dr. G.
“There was huge pile of trash that compiled in a short amount of time in that location. I proba-
The initiative made by Dr. G is nothing new, he has been picking up trash at various locations
D R. G
throughout his district and beyond for the past six years. “I throw on some old clothes, bring a mask, hand sanitizer, a Cleanup, cont. on next pg.