Colton Courier 07 09 20

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Vol 148 , NO. 30

July 09, 20 20

Miss Colton pa geant postponed until October Community News


Cal State announces top graduates Pg. 7

ue to the current situation surrounding Covid19 the Rotary Club of Colton has decided to move the Miss Colton Pageant to a later date. We are still so excited to meet all the new contestants and crown the next Miss Colton and Teen Miss Colton! We are hoping to host the pageant in October, unless we are notified differently. The Miss Colton Pageant was scheduled for June 14, 2020 but do to the shut down and wanting to keep everyone safe we rescheduled the pageant and held an intimate ceremony for our current Miss Colton and her court. Miss Colton and her court were to receive scholarships on that Instead of having them day. wait until the current situation subsides to receive their scholarship and seeing that college is continuing, online or limited classroom time. The Rotary Club of Colton decided to award Pageant, cont. on next pg.


CWC President Pat Collier presenting 2020 $1000 Scholarship check to Ernest Mateo Cisneros.

KVCR-TV to recognize high school g raduates on TV, encoura ges community par ticipation

Prevent summer slide Pg. 8 PHOTOS


Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising: sales@ iec n.c om


Empire PBS, KVCR-TV is slated to begin airing high school graduate congratulatory messages on July 20 and the organization encourages the community to participate. By Manny B. Sandoval


mpire PBS, KVCR-TV is calling upon parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts & uncles to recognize their high school graduates on TV.

The High School Senior 2020 project is a community service initiative to recognize high school seniors and provide them with the recognition they deserve, amid COVID-19.

“This is completely free…all you need to do is submit the student’s name and high school, a senior photo and a congratulatory statement. We are producing oneminute spots, featuring five seniors in each spot,” said Lillian

Vasquez, Empire PBS marketing coordinator. The TV station anticipates airing spots for an entire month, Graduates, cont. on next pg.

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