Colton Courier 08 19 21

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August 19, 2021

Vol 149 , NO. 36

D r. G l a u n c h e s C I T Y TA L K “ E n E s p a ñ o l ” By Dr. G (Dr Luis S Gonález, community writer


n Saturday, August 14, Council Member Dr. G (Dr. Luis S González) officially launched his CITY TALK en Español program once again right in the heart of South Colton – the Sombrero Market. Because of the pandemic and the restrictions placed on business locations all of the CITY TALK neighborhood meetings were put on hold. Although there are still some mask and social distance considerations, a group of residents approached Dr. G to restart the program.

Students engage in science camp Pg. 4

“Necsesitamos la información que ofrece Dr. G,” (We need the information that Dr. G offers) says resident Alicia Lozano. Alicia regularly attended the neighborhood meetings en español in the past before the pandemic hit, and often asked questions. “Es tiempo de CITY TALK, cont. on next pg.


Dr. G relaunched his CITY TALK “En Español” community meetings at the Sombrero Market on Saturday, Aug. 4. Pictured from left: Norma Gallardo, Jose Morales, Dr. G, and Maria Gudino Noguera.

Community to celebrate Alice Saenz’s life this Thursday


lice Saenz, aged 92, of Colton, California was born on October 21, 1928, and passed away on July 9, 2021. Alice was a long-term resident of the City of Colton, having moved into her home on A Ct in 1954, where she still resided at the time of her passing.

Ch il dr en’s Fund sole fundraiser Monday Pg. 8

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She was preceded in death by her husband Frank Saenz Jr., originally from San Bernardino, California, her two sisters Agapita Mendoza of San Bernardino, California, Francis Martinez of Mesa, Arizona, and her elder son, Frank Saenz III of Los Angeles, California. She is survived by her youngest son and his wife, Jim and Suzie Saenz of Anaheim, California, and two granddaughters Lauren Saenz and Kiersti Saenz, both of PHOTO SAENZ FAMILY Mrs. Alice Saenz was born October 21, 1928 and passed on Anaheim, California. July 9, 2021. The family would like to invite all her friends to celebrate her life at her Rosary and Viewing on Thursday, August Mrs. Saenz was born and raised 19, 2021, from 4 - 8 p.m. at Mt. View Mortuary & Cemetery at 570 in San Bernardino, having graduated from San Bernardino High E Highland Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92402. School. She met her husband in

1953 at a funeral of a mutual acquaintance and were married shortly thereafter, moving to the home in Colton where she would live and raise her children for the next 63 years. Mrs. Saenz was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church parish and actively participated in ongoing church and school events. She was a fulltime homemaker, raising her children with traditions that were carried on throughout the years that still remain endearing to her loved one’s hearts. She had a custom of writing out well over 100 Christmas cards each year to family and friends and mailing them to make sure they were received the day after Thanksgiving. The Christmas holidays were celebrated with elaborate outdoor displays with lights and hand painted decorations that she had personally painted with messages to the neighborhood each year, like the Saenz, cont. on next pg.

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