Colton Courier 08 22 19

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Vol 147 , NO. 36

August 22, 2019

Moratorium for Reche Canyon does not move forward Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3



On August 6, Colton City Council voted to form an ad-hoc committee in preparation for a moratorium ordinance for Reche Canyon.

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By Manny B. Sandoval

Pg. 6


n Tuesday, August 6, Colton City Council did not approve the proposed moratorium ordinance for Reche Canyon, but rather agreed to generate an ad-hoc committee to execute a more well thought out plan for the area. “On July 2, 2019, the City

Council directed staff and City Attorney to prepare an Urgency Ordinance establishing a moratorium on development in the Reche Canyon area of the city. The City Council expressed concerns that there are severe traffic impacts, both internal and passthrough, along Reche Canyon Road that need to be analyzed and studied; and the traffic impacts, coupled with the limited

access points and infrastructure create impediments to the timely responses by public safety services,” said City Manager Bill Smith.

been significant growth and infrastructure changes in the area that affect the quality of life of residents that live in Reche Canyon,” continued Smith.

During the council meeting, it was stated that the Reche Canyon Specific Plan has not been updated since 2002.

According to the Colton City Council Agenda, the attached moratorium ordinance would prohibit the city from issuing or

“And since 2002, there have

Moratorium, cont. on next pg.

F o n t a n a M a y o r P r o Te m J e s s e A r m e n d a r e z a n n o u n c e s Mission to host 78th Mi R anchito Fiesta Pg. 8

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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bid for San Ber nardino County Super visor Community News


ontana Mayor Pro Tem and local small businessman Jesse Armendarez announced last Friday that he is running for the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, Fifth District. The Fifth District includes all or portions of the cities of Colton, Fontana, Rialto, and San Bernardino, as well as the unincorporated communities of Bloomington, El Rancho Verde, Glen Helen, Arrowhead Farms, Muscoy, Little Third, and Rosena Ranch. “I ran for the Fontana City Council to improve the quality of life for my neighbors. Our Council has done just that, and Fontana is now one of the most thriving and prosperous cities in the county. We achieved this by Armendarez, cont. on next pg.

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