September 2, 2021
Vol 149, NO. 38
C o l t o n Ye l l o w j a c k e t s r e c o v e r f r o m s e t b a c k , shut out Bloomington 40-0 By Jeremy Dollins
fter a disappointing opening night game against Alta Loma, the Colton Yellowjackets came together and shut out their crosstown rivals, Bloomington High School, 40-0. This victory comes on the heels of a frustrating week for the Yellowjackets in which their players only held one-and-a-half practices due to a COVID-related quarantine.
“No labor is insignificant” Pg. 6
“The boys battled through adversity all week,” Coach Ray Rodriguez said postgame. “The boys came out and fought hard. They started fast. The boys fought all night, and that’s why I’m proud of them.” Colton jumped all over Bloomington from the opening kickoff. Quarterback Gabriel Aparicio threw the first of five touchdown passes to Bryce Yellowjackets, cont. on next pg.
The Colton Yellowjackets Varsity Football Team emerged from a frustrating week of limited practices due to COVID-related quarantine and disappointing opening night. But the team prevailed and trounced crosstown rivals the Bloomington Bruins.
C o l t o n Wo m a n ’ s C l u b b o o s t s m e m b e r s h i p By Marina Rojas
or the Colton Woman’s Club, the month of August always starts off with a bang with their Annual Membership Drive Picnic. This year, the annual shindig had a 1950’s theme and it was a big hit with the members and guests in attendance.
Video game creator returns to invest in San Bernardino
Organized by CWC Membership Drive Chair Judy Duffield, there were about 60 people in attendance at the affair with about one-third of that number dressed in poodle shirts, leather jackets, capri pants and plenty of ponytails.
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Each August the CWC kicks off its membership drive, this year the event was a popular 1950’s-themed soiree. Pictured are Mary Aparicio (left), winner of the costume contest, and Membership Chair Judy Duffield.
Décor was handled by a team of members and included a Juke Box, tables with checkered tablecloths and each sported handmade ice cream sodas. Each person was gifted an Elvis or poodle skirt cake pop as they entered the door. There was a costume contest won by Mary Aparicio, a
hula hoop contest won by Emelia O’Brien, and a dance contest (the Twist) won by Mary Clare Ruvalcaba. Resident artist Debbie Mount unveiled a painting she did for the Clubhouse. After a light lunch, everyone was treated to good old fashioned root beer floats. The Colton Woman’s Club at 495 North 7th Street has been in Colton since 1900. They are a non-profit philanthropic organization that works to help needs in the city of Colton as well as other nearby cities, national and international concerns. All of the efforts by the Club are directed outwards, towards those in need. The Club accepts new members all year long and you can call Membership Chair Judy Duffield at 909-709-7121 for more information. Membership meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month and begin at 11:30am; CWC, cont. on next pg.