Colton Courier 09 16 21

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September 16, 20 21

Vol 149 , NO. 40

Ye l l o w j a c k e t s c l i n c h s e a s o n ’ s f i r s t r o a d v i c t o r y a g a i n s t A r r o y o Va l l e y, 3 5 - 8

We c e l e b r a t e Hispanic Herita ge

By Jeremiah Dollins


resh off a bye week and playing on a Thursday night, the Colton Yellowjackets took to the field at



Following a bye week the Colton Yellowjackets beat Arroyo Valley last Friday night. Arroyo Valley High School and throttled the Hawks 35-8 for their first road victory of the season. They won this game with a balanced attack on both sides of the

ball. On offense, QB Gabriel Aparicio proved to be cool under pressure as he threw for five touchdowns. Over these past two

games, it is clear he is developing quite a strong chemistry with the Yellowjackets’ electric receivers Steven Medina, Bryce Martinez, and Xavier Sandoval. Football, cont. on next pg.

T he Colton Chamber is on the move By Dr. G (Dr Luis S González), community writer


hen we talk about community involvement, the Colton Chamber of Commerce is one organization that ties together the full gamut of city, business and community life. With 89 business members and going strong, the Chamber of Commerce is not only rebounding from a very difficult pandemic year but is actually expanding their staff so that their business outreach can improve.

Mexican Independence Day is Sept. 16 Pg. 4

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om



Colton Councilman Dr. G with new Colton Chamber of Commerce interns Keisha Smith, left, and Demi Soto.

This week the Colton Chamber of Commerce is proud to bring on board two interns from the United Education Institute in Riverside, who will be working with Christina Gaitan, our Chamber Coordinator on a variety of Chamber related activities. Chamber, cont. on next pg.

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