Colton Courier 09 03 20

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Vol 148 , NO. 38

Septem ber 03, 20 20

Mencha Lopez and Car men Lozolla pr esented CITY TALK award

Crafton’s Summer Bridge Pr og ra m produces college scholars Pg. 5



Mencha Lopez (right) and her daughter Carmen Lozolla (left) were recognized by Dr. G (middle) with the City Talk Award for nearly 4 decades of recycling efforts. By Dr G (Dr. Luis S. Gonzalez)


n Friday, August 28 Council Member Dr. G (Dr. Luis S. Gonzalez) presented the CITY TALK “Community Impact Award” to

long time Colton residents Mencha Lopez and her daughter Carmen Lozolla for 39 years of recycling. Mencha, and recently her daughter, have been taking walks early in the morning and picking up recycled bottles along the way. Over the years while

making his own trash runs, Dr G has crossed paths several times with this awesome twosome and have come to the conclusion that they are not only well-known in the community, but have become community icons for their recycling efforts.

The CITY TALK “Community Impact Award” was recently established to recognize the great efforts that people make “behind the scenes” to make our commuCity Talk, cont. on next pg.

Colton Electric fir st public utility to provide online

Inland Center Mall reopens Pg. 7

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om


electric vehicle resources in English, Spanish

an Bernardino County’s own City of Colton Electric Utility has begun offering new and used Electric Vehicle (EV) listings to its customers through the web portal. Dubbed “Colton Recharged”, this new initiative is a part of the Utility’s continued efforts to bring progressive technologies, resources, and services to the Colton community. The Utility will be the first in San Bernardino County to introduce this resource to its customers. The “Colton Recharged” website provides Colton Electric’s Utility, cont. on next pg.


City of Colton Electric Utility is the first in SB County to offer new and used Electric Vehicle listings.

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