Colton Courier 10 12 17

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W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Vol 145, NO. 43

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Cor ner

Bloomington High School celebrates new stadium


.com October 12, 2017

Sung Nam Lee June 8, 1948 - Oct. 5, 2017



2nd Annual Blues, Brews, Badges & BBQ A6 IECN PHOTO


Bloomington High School celebrated the grand opening of their new and improved multipurpose stadium on October 6, 2017. The stadium saw upgrades to its bleachers, the construction of new locker rooms and restrooms, and the installation of a new multipurpose complex for other sports and physical education activities. By Anthony Victoria


loomington High School celebrated the grand opening of their new and improved multipurpose stadium on Friday, Oct. 6. The school’s marching band played a rendition of the “Sons of

SB County Fire hosts Open House

Westwood” fight song used by the UCLA Bruins, and the school choir sang “Seize the Day” from Disney’s Newsies musical for dignitaries and residents to commemorate the ground’s completion. The stadium saw upgrades to its bleachers, modernizations to its public announcements (PA) sys-

tem, construction of new locker rooms and restrooms, installation of a new multipurpose complex for other sports and physical education activities. In addition to the stadium, the school’s baseball fields and cafeteria will be renovated in the Stadium, cont. on pg. 2

‘Time for a woman’ to become Senate Pro Tem, Leyva asser ts By Anthony Victoria



tate Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino) is seeking re-election and has thrown her name into contention to succeed Senate Pro Tem Kevin De Leon when he terms out as Senate Pro Tempore next November. IECN sat down with Sen. Leyva to ask about her reasons for seeking the Senate Pro Tem position and her aspirations for improving the Inland region.


Gloria’s Corner


Words To think About A5 Legal Notices






What motivated you to seek the Senate Pro Tempore position?


Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising: sales@ iec n.c om



Senator Connie Leyva, is vying for the Senate Pro Tempore seat when current leader Senator Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) terms out in Nov. 2018.

Leyva: To be very honest, I was approached by a couple of my colleagues in my first year as Senator. Candidly, working under Senator Kevin De Leon, I’ve learned a lot from him. I think it’s something I can do. I Leyva, cont. on pg. 2

ung Nam Lee, 69, passed away Thursday, October 5, 2017 at his home in Highland, California. Mr. Lee was a long time resident of Highland and was the owner of numerous businesses throughout the county. Mr. Lee is survived by his wife, Okja, and sons Kalvin and Daniel Lee. A viewing will be held on Thursday, October 12, 2017 at the San Bernardino Mission Chapel (1798 N. “D” Street) from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Burial will be held the following day at 10:00 a.m. at Montecito Memorial Park (3520 E. Washington St. City of Colton, California).

Sponsor s needed for Christmas Parade


he Colton Chamber is gearing up for its 43rd Annual Christmas Parade in the city of Colton taking place on Saturday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., followed by Christmas in the Park festivities for the community. The Chamber is reaching out to local businesses for support. They are in need of sponsors for the event to help cover the costs. Below are sponsorship opportunities to choose from. For more information please contact Neli Gutierrez directly at (909) 825-2222, or cell 951-7420000. Sponsorship Opportunities: Event sponsor $1,000- Name on Event Banner, program, all print material, recognition during parade, sponsor plaque Trophy sponsor $ 500- Name on all trophies, and in program, sponsor plaque Program sponsor $250- name in program Sponsor certificate Train Town USA sponsor $100- name announced during parade, sponsor certificate.


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