W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Vol 145, NO. 44
THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner
Titans gaining momentum, as Yellowjackets look to bounce back from dr ubbing
.com October 19, 2017
Free f lu shots for county residents
SB School District mascot Hope A6 IECN PHOTO
Grand Terrace and Colton football teams faced off at the line of scrimmage during their rivalry matchup on October 13, 2017. The Titans defeated the Yellowjackets 58-6. Pictured are cheerleaders from both teams. over the Yellowjackets (4-3; 1-1 house Kaiser. By Anthony Victoria Sunkist League). Both teams are “I feel that everything that could olton and Grand Terrace facing tough competition in have gone wrong for us did,” said High Schools are on dif- Fontana Summit and Fontana Colton Head Coach Shawn Collins about the game on ferent paths following Kaiser respectively. And while Grand Terrace is ridOctober 13. “We didn’t put our their annual rivalry matchup. ing a trail of momentum into this best foot forward last Friday.” The Titans (6-1 overall; 2-0 Friday’s game, Colton is looking Sunkist League) scored eight touchdowns in a 58-6 victory to improve on a lackluster perforFootball, cont. on pg. 2 mance to upset perennial power-
Valley College hosts Horror Film Festival
Residents pitch in to help beautify Colton’s west end
Words To think About A5 A9
Inland Empire Community Newspapers Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com
County residents are encouraged to start planning and preparing for an emergency by using these three simple steps: Plan Ahead, Know Where to go, and Stay Informed.
Learn Where To Go: Know where your nearest community POD site will be to receive medications or vaccinations.
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The free flu shot clinics are designed to exercise plans and procedures for a local pandemic influenza response. The goal of the exercise is to test the Department’s mass distribution of medication and vaccinations to county residents as a response to an outbreak or public health threat.
Plan Ahead: Prepare your family for emergencies that could happen in your community. Build emergency kits, and talk to your family about your plan.
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
e prepared for the flu season by receiving your FREE flu shot. The County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health, Preparedness and Response Program is encouraging residents to get their flu shot at their local Point of Dispensing (POD) site. A POD site is a location where the community would go to receive medication and/or vaccinations during a public health emergency, such as pandemic influenza or bioterrorism event.
Colton resident Juan Mendoza planting trees with his 3-year-old son Abraham during the ‘Unity in Community’ cleanup day on the city’s west end on October 14, 2017. By Anthony Victoria
esidents gathered near Eucalyptus Avenue in Colton on Saturday to plant trees and lay landscape on a formerly blighted portion of their community. The former grass field, which was under maintained and
ruined, was turned into 175 cubic yards of drought-resistant terrain. A total of 45 trees were also planted by volunteers and city landscapers. Officials claim this is part of a growing movement to help improve the community’s image through the sowing of shrubbery and pastures.
“We’ve taken it upon ourselves to gather volunteers and take pride in our city and clean it up,” expressed Councilman David Toro. “We’re going to keep going with other projects to make things better.” West end, cont. on pg. 2
Stay Informed: Identify sources of information in your community that will be helpful before, during and after an emergency. For more information on public health emergencies or to see the FREE Flu shot clinic schedule, visit the of San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, Preparedness and Response Program website at www.sbcounty.gov/prp or call 909-252-4406.