Colton Courier 10 28 21

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October 28, 2021

Vol 149, NO. 46

3rd annual domestic violence conference aim s to r aise awar eness, pr ovide suppor t


Fundraiser supports youth music programs Pg. 4


Divine Connections HOPE (DCH) team members are all survivors of domestic violence. They are dedicated to helping other victims break the cycle of abuse through love, guidance and support. Pictured from left: Sylvia Ruiz, Joann Lopez, Cori Lobato, Laura Murrin, Melinda Cuellar, Jessica Zepeda, Maribel Belmontes and Leann Cherie. By Maryjoy Duncan


5-year-old Michele was found strangled and severely beaten in the

trunk of her car at an airport in Tijuana, Mexico murdered by her boyfriend of 10 years and father to her two sons. This tragedy was shared by

Michele’s sister Marilyn Nocochea during the 3rd annual domestic violence conference Warriors Arise held Saturday, Oct 23, hosted by local non profit, faith-based organization, Divine

Connections H.O.P.E. (Hold On, Pain Ends), whose mission is to raise awareness of domestic violence, provide court support, HOPE, cont. on next pg.

CITY TALK recognizes Arthur W. Morgan for Economic Development By Dr. G (Dr Luis S González), community writer


n Wednesday, October 20 Council Member Dr. G (Dr. Luis S González) presented the CITY TALK “Employee Spotlight” recognition to Arthur W. Morgan, for his outstanding service as an employee of the City of Colton. Mr. Morgan has served eleven years as the Economic Development Manager, under the City Manager’s office.

48-Hour Film Project brings opportunities to IE Pg. 5

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om


D R. G

Dr. G, Council Member and Founder of CITY TALK, left, and Arthur W Morgan, Economic Development Manager.

Mr. Morgan came to the City of Colton in 2010, and quickly established himself as a leader and “visionary” for the economic development of our city. Due to his hard work over these years, and his rising reputation for positive business relations, Mr. Morgan was a driving force in Morgan, cont. on next pg.

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