Colton Courier 10 24 19

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Vol 147, NO. 45

October 24, 2019

Ye l l o w j a c k e t s f o o t b a l l t a k e s w i n o v e r Bloomington Bruins 47 - 32 By Richard Corral

O Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

n Friday night the Colton Yellowjackets take the win over the Bloomington Bruins 47-32. #28 RB Jose Torreo had a big game with 5 touchdowns, one twopoint conversion, and one interception. #16 WR Matthew Alanis had a big game with two deep passes from quarterback Samson Rodriguez who had a great game with the help of great offensive line protection during the game led by Anthony Llanes, Vincent De La Rosa, Jesus Castillo, Francisco Rizo, Jacob Hernandez starting off the night with Ricardo Olivas and Mark Gutierez getting in there as well. #8 Alex Zamora had a couple of big runs and a few great tackles. RB #1 Robert Rodriguez had some big runs of the night to set Colton up with great field advantage, also running in a two-point conversion. In addition, #21

Crafton hosts California Classic Pg. 5

Football, cont. on next pg.


Running back Robert Rodriguez made big gains during Friday night’s game.

CJUSD spreads positivity with “Kindness Bus” S e a n n To r r e s ad van ce s to n ation al co m pe t it io n i n D.C .

Pg. 12

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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ow in its fourth year, the Colton Joint Unified School District Kindness Bus will be traveling through the district this month to spread a message of kindness, inclusion and acceptance.

The bus, which was painted by Washington High School students and District staff, appeared in the Colton High School Homecoming parade earlier this month and will spend the remainder of October visiting sites across the district. It also will join Bloomington High School’s first Homecoming Parade on

November 1.

Wednesday, October 23.

The bus serves as a rolling billboard for the CJUSD Kindness Campaign, highlighted in October, which is National Bullying Prevention Month. The bus also is an essential part of the district’s observance of Unity Day, which takes place on

“Our number one goal is to help spread positivity, respect and kindness throughout our district and community,” Transportation Director Erick Richardson stated. Kindness, cont. on next pg.

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