*Colton Courier 10/26/23

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October 26, 2023

Vol 151 , NO. 41

Colton High School's H omecomi ng Celebrations Shine S p o t l i g h t o n U n i t y, S p i r i t , a n d M e n t a l H e a l t h A d v o c a c y


CAPSBC Hosts Gala Dedicated to Highlighting Social Work Throughout San Bernardino County


Colton High's football star cruising through the homecoming parade, October 20th.


Colton High's finest: The Homecoming King and Queen grace the parade, turning heads with every turn.

Pg. 3

Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. Celebrates Another Successful College and Career Day Pg. 4


Colton High School students championing mental health awareness during the homecoming parade. Their message is clear: Mental health matters.


Colton High's spirited pep rally, October 20th: Radiant smiles and peace signs capture the essence of youthful exuberance.

Colton Fire Depar tment Char ms Community with Open Ho u se an d Pa nc a ke Br ea kf ast

I nland Inland Regional Empir e Community Center's Oct. 28s Fall Newspaper

Festival Highlights Of fice: (909) 381-9898 Support for Those with E dito rial: iecn 1@mac.co m Intellectual Disabilities Adver tising: sales@ iecn.com and More Pg. 8

Inland Empire Community Newspape rs Of fice: (909) 381-9898 Edit or ial : iecn1 @ma c.com Adver ti si ng: iecn1 @ma c.com Legals : iecnl egal s@gm ail .com



(Left photo) Firefighter from the Colton Fire Department Station 211 passionately explains fire safety protocols to young attendees, emphasizing the importance of community awareness and preparedness.(Right photo) Colton Fire Department personnel serve up a delicious spread of pancakes and sausages, ensuring attendees enjoy a hearty breakfast while showing appreciation for the selfless service these heroes provide to the community daily.

By Manny Sandoval

n a heartwarming initiative to fortify community ties, the Colton Fire Department welcomed residents for a memorable Open House and Pancake Breakfast at Colton Fire Department Station 211 on October 14, 2023.

The event highlighted the department's prowess with an eye-opening extrication demonstration, showcasing firefighters' critical operations during emergencies.

Young attendees had the unique opportunity for a station tour and a suite of educational activities, instilling fire safety aware-

ness and establishing a rapport between the future generation and the department.

Organized with the indispensable support of the department's Honor Guard & Explorer Post 211, the event proposed modest breakfast donations of $5 for adults and CFD cont. next pg.

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