Colton Courier 10 31 19

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Vol 147 , NO. 46

Octo ber 31, 2019

Colto n ad vocate Isr ael F uen tes awar ded f or pr ovidin g re sources t o th e Latino c ommun ity an d b eyon d By Manny B. Sandoval Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

Domestic violence conference empowers, heals Pg. 5


n October 17, Israel Fuentes, member of the Binational Parent Leadership Institute (BPLI) and board member of the Colton Joint Unified School District (CJUSD), was awarded a Certificate of Excellence by the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. Fuentes was recognized as an inaugural member of the BPLI, which is led by the Consulate of Mexico in San Bernardino and founded by Latino Education & Advocacy Days, for his advocacy in providing Latino students and parents with viable resources to strive in today’s society. “It was an honor to receive this recognition. It’s important that we support CJUSD students and their families. There are lots of parents who do not understand the opportunities that are out there for themselves and for their children,” said Fuentes. Fuentes, cont. on next pg.


Israel Fuentes (first row, second from left) is awarded a Certificate of Excellence by the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools at the Rancho Cucamonga West End Educational Service Center on October 17.

E s c a p e t h e Va p e e v e n t p r o v i d e d i n f o r m a t i o n , disc ussion, r esourc es on youth e pide mic

Caden inter views Er ni e Jo hn so n h o st o f Inside the NBA

Pg. 7

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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Colton Community Coalition for CHANGE youth with city of Colton Mayor Pro Tem Ernest R. Cisneros, third from left, and Colton Joint Unified School District Board Member Israel Fuentes, second from right. Health


HS Central Valley Prevention Program and Community Coalitions for CHANGE hosted the first annual 2019 Escape the

Vape event on Monday, Oct. 21 . Community members from Bloomington, Colton, Grand Terrace, Rialto, Muscoy, and San Bernardino gathered at the San Bernardino Valley College Business Center to attend the event held in response to

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order to Confront the Youth Vaping Epidemic. The executive order states that the Department of Public Health (CDPH) is to launch a $20 million statewide digital and social media public

awareness campaign to educate youth and parents about the risks associated with vaping nicotine and cannabis products. CDPH will also be developing media that discusses those risks, specifVape, cont. on next pg.

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