Nov 02, 2023
Vol 151, N O. 4 2
A r i s t r o n g ’ s A n n u a l C a r S h o w & K i c k b a l l To u r n a m e n t i s N o v. 4 t h , A D a y o f U n i t y a n d C a n c e r A w a r e n e s s i n C o l t o n
A San Bernardino Student’s Capital Scholar Experience Interning at the Smithsonian Pg. 4
The Black and Brown Opportunities for Profit Center Hosts “Unlocking Access and Capital to Advance Women of Color Entrepreneurs”
The Aristrong Foundation promises attendees a day filled with hope, unity, food, fun and live music on November 4th; to benefit families with a child experiencing health struggles or the death of a child.
By Manny Sandoval
he memory of Arianna "Ari" Villalobos will shine bright this November 4th at Colton High School with the 5th Annual #Aristrong Car Show & Kickball Tournament. This free public event, scheduled from 8 AM to 5 PM, promises to be a day filled with joy, hope, and unity, all in honor of a young life taken too soon.
The football field at Colton High School, located at 777 W Valley Blvd., will witness the energy of two simultaneous kickball games, with each team boasting 12-14
enthusiastic players. Adjacent to the action, the junior varsity field will be transformed into a vibrant car show with a stage set up in centerfield, where live music will captivate attendees throughout the day.
"Most importantly, we hope to spread awareness about childhood cancer and promote unity under one banner – and that banner is hope," says Nikki Villalobos, mother of Ari. She adds, "Hope is essential. Without it, you have nothing. Through successful fundraisers like this, we aim to bring hope to those facing challenging times." Live music will kick off at 10 AM with
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Inland Empire Community Newspape rs Of fice: (909) 381-9898 Edit or ial : iecn1 @ma Adver ti si ng: iecn1 @ma Legals : iecnl egal s@gm ail .com
With over 50 vendors, a dedicated kids' corner featuring games and jumpers, and a host of raffles, including a Cheech and Chong signed album and Santana concert tickets at the House of Blues, the event Aristrong Event, cont. next pg.
CJUSD Breaks Ground on New Culinar y Ar ts Building f o r CH AMPS C ar ee r Pa th wa y Cl a sses
that he is eager to get started in the new facility after watching it from the ground up and taking part in the architectural planning process along the way.
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the Breaking Free Ministries Band, followed by The Two of Us, a 2-piece jazz ensemble, at 11 AM. The Blue Haze Band, featuring former Colton Mayor Richard Delarosa on percussion, will take the stage at noon. Throughout the day, survivors will share their powerful testimonies, echoing the event's central theme of hope and resilience.
“The skills the students are going to obtain are going to be more advanced due to this project,” Buckles said. “The excitement on campus because of the new kitchen will build our CHAMPS program and take it to the next level.”
New lecture classrooms, a demonstration table, commercial grade cooking stations, and walkin freezer and refrigerator spaces (5,062 S.F.) will begin construction during the 2023/2024 school year.
tudents in Colton High School’s CHAMPS culinary arts and hospitality pathway will soon learn about the culinary and hospitality trades in a new facility that will combine a state-of-the-art new kitchen with the renovated dining area from the school’s historic cafeteria building.
The Colton Joint Unified School district will officially break ground next week on the project next week. It will include a total
of 9,059 square feet of building area. The nearly 4,000 square foot assembly hall will modernize the campus’ previous cafeteria into a dining and lecture area with bleacher seating, restrooms, and storage.
The new 5,062 square foot instructional kitchen will include a new lecture classroom, demonstration table, commercial grade cooking stations, and walk-in freezer and refrigerator spaces. CHAMPS Teacher Brandall Buckles said
The community is invited to join the event. It will begin at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 9 and include student performances, a message from one of the school’s CHAMPS pathway students and an official groundbreaking ceremony. Parking will be in the lot on the corner of Valley and 3rd and students will be on hand to direct the community to the event location.
The construction cost for CHS’ new Culinary Arts Building is approximately $12 million, including Measure G Bond funds, $2.89 million in matching state grant funds.
“We are proud to be able to invest in the future success of our students by providing them with this modern, professional space to take their skills to the next level,” Superintendent Frank Miranda said. “ These types of projects would not be possible without the support of the community and the leadership of our Board of Education.”