Vol 147 , NO. 47
November 07, 2019
T h i n k To g e t h e r h o s t s L i g h t s o n A f t e r s c h o o l r a l l y Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
The rally was held at Woodrow Wilson Elementary, where students performed a Bollywood dance.
G ove r n or ’s e x p e r t on homelessness visits SB County Pg. 5
Community News
hink Together, a statewide nonprofit organization that partners with schools to provide early
learning, afterschool and support programs, and school improvement hosted a Lights On Afterschool rally on October 24 at Woodrow Wilson Elementary in Colton with VIP guest
Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes. Launched in 2000 by the Afterschool Alliance, Lights On Afterschool is the only nation-
wide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families and communities. This year marks the 20th anniversary Rally, cont. on next pg.
Sushi Miguel Style owner ser ved Sayaka customer s for over 25 years, expanding to Moreno Valley By Manny B. Sandoval
iguel and Anabel Aguirre, owners of Sushi Miguel Style in Colton, have a lifetime of dedicated customers and success to their name.
LLUH perfor ms IE’s first spinal abla tion surger y
Pg. 12
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5 Opinion
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Although Sushi Miguel Style has only been open for about six years, Miguel Aguirre forged a connection with guests at Sayaka’s in Colton, where he worked for over 25 years. “My Uncle Miguel started his career as a dishwasher at Sayaka’s, then he became a cook and started moving his way up,” said Paola Aguirre, Sushi Miguel Style Manager (Moreno Valley). Not only did Aguirre learn to make sushi at Sayaka’s, but it’s where he generated a legion of dedicated customers who enjoyed his zest for creativity, through sushi. “He started making a special chili sauce which is a chili oil, he invented this special sauce, along with pickled onions and offered it to customers and that’s how he
Miguel Aguirre, owner of Sushi Miguel Style, served customers at Sayaka’s for over 25 years where he gained loyal customers. He opened his own restaurant in Colton six years ago, and serves an array of sushi, appetizers, bento boxes, teriyaki chicken, ramen noodles and more. The chain has expanded to Fontana, and will be opening another restaurant in Moreno Valley this month.
started getting known around town. He had his own customers at Sayaka’s,” continued Aguirre.
After studying and working so many years at Sayaka’s, Miguel felt it was time to move on and
create a Sushi restaurant with a Latin twist.
“I would say that his sushi paste makes Sushi Miguel Style restaurant different from other restaurants in the area. It’s somewhat of
a Hispanic twist on sushi, there are many spices on sushi; which include the chili oil and pickled onions,” Aguirre said. Miguel, cont. on next pg.