Vol 147 , NO. 48
November 14, 2019
C i t y h o s t s Ve t e r a n s D a y P a r a d e Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
Te a c h e r s receive free school supplies Pg. 5
The City of Colton Community Services Department presented the annual Veterans Day Parade that culminated at Fleming Park. Senator Connie Leyva recognized veterans for their service during the Honor Ceremony.
City of Colton adopts Tobacco Retail License to curb undera ge access
By Dr. G (Luis Gonzalez)
LLU nur se inducted to Donation Hall of Fame
Pg. 7
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5 Opinion
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n Tuesday, November 5th 2019, youth voices from the Colton Community Coalitions for CHANGE were heard by Mayor Frank Navarro and the Colton City Council members as they discussed the implementation of a Tobacco-Retail Licensing (TRL). Colton became the second city in the Inland-Empire Region to adopt a comprehensive TRL policy. On October 23rd, Adelanto became the first city in San Bernardino County to Adopt a TRL Policy. During last Tuesday’s Colton City Council Meeting, City Council Member Dr. Luis S. Gonzalez acknowledged Carlos Antonio Vasquez, Madison Warner, Kevin Hernandez Rosales, Melanie Hernandez Rosales, and Axel Vasquez for their persistence in helping push forward a Tobacco Retail License for the city of Colton. “These kids came in from the very beginning way back when with this idea and to see these kids coming together and acting
Youth group Colton Community Coalitions for CHANGE were successful in pushing forward a Tobacco Retail License in Colton. “These kids came in from the very beginning way back when with this idea and to see these kids coming together and acting on this idea and bringing it to full fruition is just a joy and I think we are just really proud,” Councilman Dr. G exclaimed. on this idea and bringing it to full fruition is just a joy and I think we are just really proud,” Dr. G exclaimed. Youth voices were loud and clear as Carlos Antonio Vasquez,
Colton Community Coalitions for CHANGE member and senior at Colton High School stated, “Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a vaping epidemic in California, and no one better than us understands what that looks
like on an everyday basis. I am proud to say that my city is responding to the call to action made by Governor Newsom. I have been here to talk about this TRL, cont. on next pg.