Colton Courier 12 19 19

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Vol 148, NO. 01

December 19, 201 9

C o l t o n J r. M i c r o A l l A m e r i c a n F o o t b a l l Te a m b r i n g s h o m e S u p e r b o w l v i c t o r y By Marina Rojas Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3


olton’s very own Yellowjackets, a Jr. Micro All American Football team, brought home their Super Bowl championship at the Grand Terrace High School stadium on December 1, 2019. Mike Castor, Head Coach, said that the team had played nine games in the regular season with one loss against Hesperia, and after playing two games in the playoff semi-finals, found themselves face to face with the Hesperia team in the Super Bowl game. Nick Garcia, the Defensive Coordinator/Coach said the Yellowjackets consisted of all male players aged 6 to 8 years old.

Hol iday celebra tion for l oca l students

Pg. 5

“There were a lot of first year ball players on the team,” said Garcia, “They made quite a transition in learning the important fundamentals of the game. There were several returning members who really wanted to win the championship this year and they Champs, cont. on next pg.


First row L-R: Nicolas Ramirez, Michael Gomez, Julian Quezada, Jesse Trujillo, Ethen Mercardo, Israel Velasquez, Xavier Reyna, Abel Alverado, Phillip Lobato, Samuel Eilar. 2nd row L-R: Team AD Lourdes Castor, Coach Gilbert Hernandez, Coach Nicklass Garcia, Coach Mike Castor, Coach Gabriel Aparicio, Coach Edward Marquez, Ethan Marquez, Asst. AD Priscilla Marquez. 3rd row L-R: Jeremiah DeLaRosa, Augustine Chapparo, Reece Vasquez, Giuliano Danovaro, Adam Gonzales, Nathan Sacchette, Derek Aparicio, Eli Gonzalez, Ethan Ojeda. Back row L-R: Luke Medina, Joseph Rubio, Xaivier Perez, Arthur Caldera Jr., Jaymes Trujillo, Elijah Castillo, Max Castor, Tommy Martinez.

2,000 pounds of food, hundreds of toys collected for Stuf f the Bus Community News

To y D r i v e & C a r Sh ow at L oma L ind a Ronald McDonald House

Pg. 7

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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he CJUSD Stuff the Bus program brought in more than 2,000 pounds of food, hundreds of toys and dozens of jackets for the district’s neediest families. The annual effort is coordinated by the CJUSD Transportation and Student Services departments. During the month of December, a decorated holiday bus traveled throughout the district collecting donations from schools and administrative sites. Staff will distribute items to families throughout the district in the next few days – just in time for the holidays. "Our goal is to make sure that all of our students will enjoy the holidays," stated Director of Transportation Erick Richardson. “We collected approximately 2,000 lbs of non-perishable items along with toys and jackets for our students. Thank you to all of our volunteers and our Transportation Elves for once Bus, cont. on next pg.

Rogers Elementary School students check out the bus.


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