Colton Courier 12 24 20

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Vol 149 , NO. 02

December 24, 2020

John Echevar ria, fr om public housing to police sergeant and now your Colton city councilman By Manny B. Sandoval


olton’s District 5 City Councilman John Echevarria’s name may sound familiar to you, and that’s because he’s a sergeant at the San Bernardino Police Department.

Echevarria, who was sworn in December 3, joins the city council with an array of experience beginning with graduating from San Bernardino Valley College in 1999 (associate’s degree in Administration of Justice), California State University, San Bernardino in 2002 (bachelor’s in Criminal Justice), and California Baptist University in 2018 (master’s in Public Administration).

Fr om all of us at IECN we wish the community a h a p p y, h e a l t h y holiday season PHOTO


District 5 Councilman John Echevarria was sworn into Colton City Council on December 3.


Healthcare workers receive first dose of va ccine Pg. 3

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om

He began his official public service campaign in 1996 when he served Upland Police Department as a police cadet, before becoming a police officer Echevarria, cont. on next pg.

CJUSD Assistant Superintendent Ing rid Munster man ear ns ACSA honor s

ongratulations to Colton Joint Unified School District Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Ingrid Munsterman, who has been named the ACSA (Association of California School Administrators) Region 12 Human Resources Administrator of the Year! Mrs. Munsterman was honored Monday, Dec. 14 during a virtual award ceremony. Mrs. Munsterman has been part of the CJUSD family for 39 years. Before being named Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources in 2010, she served in a wide variety of roles for the district. She has taught at the elementary and middle school levels, worked as a resource specialist, and later became Assistant Principal of Crestmore and Grant Elementary Honors, cont. on next pg.



District Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Ingrid Munsterman, has been named the ACSA (Association of California School Administrators) Region 12 Human Resources Administrator of the Year

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