March 1 0, 2022
Vol 150, NO. 1 3
Interested teens have time to sign up f or pageant Community News
he deadline to enter the Miss Colton and Teen Miss Colton Pageant is coming up quick. You can request an application by sending a text to Erlinda Armendariz, the Director of the pageant, at (951) 831-3306, or you can request one through our Facebook page Miss Colton Pageant. Once you request an application one will be sent out to you. You can also pick up an application at the Colton Chamber of Commerce located on La Cadena as well as Inland Valley Insurance located at 184 W. “H” Street. Applications must be turned in by March 15, 2022. The pageant will be held on May 22, 2022.
Qualifications for the Miss Colton Pageant: You must live in the City of Colton or it’s Unincorporated areas or attend a school in the Colton Unified School District. You Must not be
Annual STEM event pr ovides s t u d e n t s va l u a b l e experience Pg. 5
married, pregnant or have had a child. For the Miss Division you must be between the ages of 18-25 years old. For the Teen Division you must be between the ages of 15-17 years old. There is no cost for the contestant to enter the pageant. Sponsorships are supplied by businesses in the area. If you have a family member that would like to sponsor you or know a business in the Colton area that would like to sponsor you, Have them contact Erlinda Armendariz at (951) 833-3306. SPONSORSHIPS: We are currently looking for local businesses who would like to sponsor one of our contestants in the Miss Colton and Teen Miss Colton Pageant. Cost to sponsor a contestant is $250. In return the conMiss Teen, cont. next pg.
Old-fashioned pizza par ty for D r. G ’s 6 6 t h b i r t h d a y
County conducts 2022 Point-InTime Count Pg. 5
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
People gathered at Pizzadilly’s Restaurant last weekend to celebrate Councilman Dr. G’s birthday. By Christina Perris
ast week a large group of friends came to Pizzadilly Restaurant to celebrate Dr. G’s 66th birthday.
The 6:00pm celebration started promptly and was adorned with great table decorations, balloons, banners, and lots of friendly faces.
“This was an awesome gathering,” says good friend Matthew Hernandez, who continued, “The plan was simple: plenty of pizza, lots of positive conversation, and cake.” The stories that were told
D R. G
by attendees were very cool,“ smiled Dr.G who admitted to the group, “that the purpose of the gathering was to have a pizza Birthday, cont. on next pg.