Vol 149, NO. 1 4
March 18, 2 021
Faithway Church leads way for outreach By Dr. G (Dr. Luis S. Gonzáles)
hen we talk about community involvement, often times the great effort performed by our local churches goes unrecognized in the eyes of the greater public. Many of them offer weekly and monthly meals for the homeless, and in addition as resources permit, offer clothing and food boxes to take home. Some programs are huge, some are small; Faithway Church of the Nazarene is gaining traction not only for its growth but for its ministry and offerings.
D r. B e t t e r s i s 2 0 2 1 Wo m a n o f t h e Ye a r Pg. 4
The extent of community outreach by Faithway Church burgeoned from dinner hour eight years ago to bible study, family movie nights, addiction classes, community garden and a clothes closet today. Pictured from left, Dr. Norman Moore; Dr. G, Council Member; Pastor Ray Gochanour; and Art Guerrero, Groundskeeper.
On an invitation by Pastor Ray Gochanour and Area Rep Dr. Norman Moore, Dr. G, Colton Councilman and well-known community advocate, visited the Faithway Church of the Nazarene to see this growing outreach operation in action. Faithway, cont. on next pg.
City of Colton approves increased fines for illegal firework use
By Manny B. Sandoval
ome this summer, residents residing in Colton will see an increase in fines for the use of illegal fireworks.
Jus t S B r eceives $2.7 million funding Pg. 8
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
On March 2, Colton City Council approved to amend the amount offenders pay in fines on first offense from $1,500 to $3,000, and second offense fine has been raised to $5,000. The changes were also followed by another amendment to its current ordinance in regard to the location of the fireworks stands, to improve fire safety in the city. “The stands must be on private property located in a commercial or industrial zone; and the written permission of the owner or lessee must accompany the application. However, firework stands will not be located within a quarter Fireworks, cont. on next pg.
The amended ordinance for use of illegal fireworks states persons in violation will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.