Vol 146 , NO. 26
June 14, 2018
T h e M o v i n g Wa l l t r a v e l s t o B l o o m i n g t o n , community honors Vietnam veterans
By Maryjoy Duncan
Gloria’s Cor ner A3
Ramos elected Pr esident of SBCTA
Redlands High team wraps up Destination Imagination
Gloria’s Corner
Words To think About A5
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8,318. That is the number of veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice during the Vietnam War, all of whose names are eternally etched on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. and the halfsize touring replica that arrived in Bloomington’s Ayala Park on Thursday where it remained until Monday, June 11.
who has traveled to D.C. to pay respects to his best friend and a dozen other comrades on the Wall is well aware that many in the community cannot afford the luxury of taking a trip to D.C. which is what motivates him to bring the Moving Wall experience to Southern California. This is the fifth tour Lavin has helped organize.
“It’s a very moving experience, my emotions still get to me,” Opening ceremonies for the shared Lavin. Moving Wall took place Friday Veteran Danny morning at the park that is home Vietnam to the city’s Veterans Monument. Mendoza described the wall as simply “breathtaking.” “Ultimately we must embrace our history and acknowledge the Mendoza’s brother-in-law was roles of those who died for us,” killed in the Vietnam War and his declared San Bernardino County twin brother served but was fortu5th District Supervisor Josie nate to return. “It’s hard to see all Gonzales to a crowd of over 100 those names up there, that we lost who braved the heat to pay so many young men,” he mused. homage to those inscribed on the “I’m here to reflect and take the Moving Wall. “We give honor time to praise, thank them and to and praise, and we will always say ‘hi.’” remember.” Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes revealed her brothVietnam veteran and Ceremonies Chairman Bob Lavin Wall, cont. on next pg.
iecn photo
Maryjoy Duncan
the community had the opportunity to visit the Moving Wall from Friday, June 8 through Monday, June 11 at Ayala park in Bloomington. opening ceremonies took place Friday morning SB county 5th District Supervisor josie Gonzales and colton Mayor richard De La rosa were among the 100-plus in attendance.
Youth 2 – 18 can access free breakfast, lunch during summer
chool is out for summer, but the Colton Joint Unified School District will continue to provide youth 18 and under with free breakfast and lunch. The kick-off barbeque took place on Monday at Veterans Park with nearly 100 community members in attendance.
According to Central Kitchen Supervisor Corrina Chavez parents and guardians mistakenly assume that school campuses are closed, but that is not the case – all school sites are open for food service; please enter through the office.
Under the USDA, the Seamless Summer Food Service Program ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session.
Below is a list of locations, dates and meal times. Text FOOD (English) or COMIDA (Spanish) to 877-877 for meal times and locations.
Please note that meals will NOT be served on Wednesday, July 4: Bloomington Area
Bloomington Library (June 11-July 20) Lunch 12:00-12:30 PM
Bloomington High School (June 11-July 6) Breakfast – 6:50-7:20 PM Lunch – 10:30-11:00 AM
Crestmore Elementary School (June 11-June 29) Breakfast – 8:00-8:30 AM Lunch 10:50-11:20 AM Joe Baca Middle School (June 11-July 6) Breakfast – 7:50-8:20 AM Lunch – 10:25-10:50 AM Kessler Park (June 11-July 20) Lunch – 11:30 AM-12:00 PM
Ruth O. Harris Middle School (June 11-July 6) Breakfast – 7:50-8:20 AM Meals , cont. on pg. 2
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Maryjoy Duncan
5-year-old twins Gredmary and Griselda Enriquez getting their free lunch at Veterans park on Monday.