Colton Courier 06/16/22

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June 16, 2022

Vol 150 , NO. 26

Colton High School announces Friday night


football fairs and gar ners new inf latable tunnel By Manny Sandoval

t last week’s council meeting, Colton Joint Unified School District Board Member Dan Flores and Colton High School Principal John Abbott thanked the community for Colton high’s new inflatable tunnel before announcing a desire for Friday night fairs during football season.

Flores opened the presentation by saying, “Colton is about family; Colton is about community.” He then followed up his statement by highlighting the relationship between the district and its community.

“Colton high school, Colton Middle School and all of our elementary schools have had a wonderful relationship with their neighborhoods and community,” said Flores.

Free live show s all summer long at the Iconic Redlands Bowl Pg. 8 PHOTO

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Colton High School’s Girls Soccer Team walking out of its old inflatable tunnel in February 2022.

“And whenever we needed help, a call would go out, and citizens, businesses, and community members would step up and Colton High, cont. on next pg.

C o l t o n C i t y C o u n c i l r e c o g n i z e s Te a c h e r Appreciation Day with Proclamation

By Dr. G, community writer

Ju n eteen th i s S u n d a y, J u n e 19th in San Ber nardino County and across the nation HO W TO R E AC H U S

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On June 7th, Colton City Council recognized teachers who live or work in the City.

Following the observance of National Teachers Month Councilman Dr. G recognized four educators representing difference class levels, who were in attendance at the ceremonial event.

The individual recipients of the recognition for 2022 were Jennie Blinkinsop, fourth grade teacher, 26 years; Eva Heras, first grade teacher, 20 years; Miriam Borja, sixth grade teacher, 15 years; and Kenneth Tabor, band/choir teacher at Colton High School, 1 year. The presentation was planned Teachers, cont. on next pg.

PHOTO Dr. G Jennie Blinkinsop, teacher; John Abbott, CHS principal; Eva Heras, teacher; Dr G, Council Member; Miriam Borja, teacher; Israel Fuentes, CJUSD Board Member; Kenneth Tabor, teacher; and Dan Flores, CJUSD Board Member.

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