Vol 146, NO. 31
July 1 9, 2018
Henr y Contreras: The man behind the poems By Shelby Horton
THIS WEEK Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
Siblings donate birthday money to Children’s Hospital
Colton resident Henry Contreras penned a book of poems When I’m Old and Wise.
enry T. Contreras sits in a small local diner in Colton as his fingers gently flip the pages of his book, When I’m Old and Wise, a collection of poems published in June. He makes the room pulsate with positive energy as he passionately describes his love for his hometown and its people within his book. Contreras grew up in the city of Colton. Due to the tragic loss of his parents at a young age, soon to be adopted by his loving aunt, he learned to express his feelings through creative writing. “Being an artist is learning to live with a certain kind of scar, but no matter what continuing to move forward,” said Contreras, when describing how he overcame adversity. His creativity flourished as he joined a local group known as the Swinging Singing Guys and Gals of Colton who traveled most of California performing. His poetry took form in ballads for his friends’ garage bands. Continuing his creative drive in college he studied theater but decided to take a detour down the path of marketing. Building a career in marketing, Contreras was a major success working with big names such as George Lopez and Gene
Simmons assisting them in establishing their restaurants. Tirelessly working to make other people’s dreams become reality be it restaurants, hotels or resorts, nevertheless, he felt he wasn’t being true to himself and something was missing from his life. He never stopped writing and, eventually, found Twitter. He created a Twitter account and posted a poem called “I Shine” (a poem featured in his book). He credits this poem for starting him on the path of creating When I’m Old and Wise and following his passion for writing. “One thing I learned, when I was writing early on, I was writing for everyone, and I wasn’t being honest,” he said. “Not ‘til I started writing from the heart and about who I was. That’s when I started getting a following.” When I’m Old and Wise is filling bookshelves in universities and colleges throughout the United States of America along with being internationally sold to countries such as Canada, the UK, and Germany. But through it all, Contreras remains humble and community-based. “I want to inspire young people and help them to believe they have a voice that has the power to change their community and their country,” said Contreras. Author, cont. on pg. 2
Colton High School team wins silver in national contest
Little League Western Regionals start this Saturday
Pg. 8
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5 Opinion
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Congratulations to CHS incoming seniors Thomas Parada and Manuel Solorzano who earned the silver medal in Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation at the national level in Atlanta, Georgia.
ongratulations to Colton High School incoming seniors Thomas Parada and Manuel Solorzano, who earned a silver medal at the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders) National Leadership Conference, held June 28-July 2 in Atlanta, Georgia! This marks the first time CHS students have competed at the national conference. Thomas and Manuel advanced to the national competition after taking first place for their catering business plan at the California FCCLA State Leadership Conference in April. They went on to earn a silver medal in Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation at the national level. The Culinary Arts and Hospitality Linked Learning Pathway students developed their business plan as a project in Jennifer Wymer’s Hospitality Marketing class. “We are very proud of their hard work to prepare for the competition as well as their efforts as chapter officers to help promote leadership and family and con-
sumer sciences in our school and community,” noted CHS teacher and FCCLA Advisor Jenifer Poulsen. More than 7,500 FCCLA student leaders, members, and advisors from across the country participated in this year’s FCCLA National Leadership Conference (NLC). The Colton High School team was among 46 California participants who earned 11 gold medals, 31 silver medals, and 4 bronze medals. About FCCLA Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has more than 160,000 members and more than 5,300 chapters from 49 state associations, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Participation in national programs and chapter activities helps members become strong leaders in families, careers, and communities.