Colton Courier 7 27 2017

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W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!

Vol 145, NO. 32

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner

‘Illegal’ trucking operations continue, despite public disapproval

A3 By Anthony Victoria


Ch il dren ’s B icy cl e and Safety Exp o Au g. 5 A6

small company’s operations in south Colton are being deemed ‘illegal’ by both officials and residents. Regardless of concerns, the City Council voted 5-1 during their July 18 meeting to continue a public hearing to consider certifying the trucking operation. CF Equipment is currently operating an unauthorized construction contractor’s yard and scaffolding business from 1200 Jefferson Lane, according to city staff. Bottom dump trucks, above-ground fuel tanks, and metal containers are present at the site. As a result, the Planning Commission, which deals with city development proposals, denied issuing a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and site plan review for the business due to concerns with ongoing truck traffic and pollution concerns. O’Brien appealed the city’s denial of the CUP and site plan review--claiming he addressed staff and community concerns. According to Civil Engineer

July 27, 2017

Hubbs Foundation to launch first golf tourney


PHOTO/ANTHONY VICTORIA CF Equipmentʼs operations at 1200 Jefferson Lane in south Colton. Bottom dump trucks, above-ground fuel tanks, and metal containers are present at the site, despite being unauthorized by the city to conduct operations.

Trucking cont. on next page

Gon gora fi rst to file for Fontana s chool distr ict el ection



Zamora Jorrin resigns, leaving District 2 Council seat vacant

he Ken Hubbs Foundation is holding its inaugural golf tournament July 28th, 2017 at Shandin Hills Golf Club in San Bernardino. Registration begins from 6:30-8:00 a.m. Fee of $95 per golfer includes continental breakfast, golf and cart, range balls prior to tourney, and goody bag. Awards, raffle, silent auction to follow at Celebrities Sports Grill. Allinclusive sponsorships available from $550-$750. The Ken Hubbs Foundation is a qualified charitable organization under the IRS, making contributions fully tax-deductible. For info: Steve Babbitt (909) 4378623/or Steve Chapman (909) 709-4578.

City talk in Español

A5 By Anthony Victoria



Gloria’s Corner Words To think About Legal Notices Opinion Classifieds

A3 A5 A8 A4 A7

HOW TO REACH US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: Advertising:

COURTESY PHOTO Former Councilwoman Summer Zamora Jorrin.

ummer Zamora Jorrin submitted her resignation from her position as Colton’s District 2 council member on July 17, leaving the City Council with a vacancy. According to the Council and City Clerk’s office, Jorrin provided notice last week regarding her leave. She told the Colton Courier on June 5 that she was stepping down due to an opportunity that arose for her family. “It’s a decision I made with my husband for my family,” Jorrin said in a phone interview. Jorrin--the daughter of former Mayors David and Sarah Zamora--was elected as the District 2 representative in November 2014, defeating longVacancy cont. on next page


l concejal Dr. Luis González invita a la comunidad para el café y para hablar sobre los eventos en la Ciudad de Colton. El primer evento para hispanohablantes está programado para agosto. Para más información, llame al Dr. G (909) 213-3730.

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