W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!
Vol 145, NO. 34
THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner A3
Traffic Advisory
he process to fill the vacant District 2 seat on the Colton City Council is underway, according to city officials. Residents interested in applying for the position are required to fill out an application, provide a resume with references, and complete a 200-word essay explaining their aspirations to serve by August 14. The City Council will then review the applications and select the person they find most qualified for the position through an interview process. An official appointment will be made during a special council meeting on August 21. “This will give [the City Council] an opportunity to look at what the process will be, how the questions will be set, and look at what [applicants] are bringing forward,” said City Clerk Carolina Padilla. Councilmembers discussed the matter during their meeting on August 1--opting to designate someone over a special election Council cont. on next page
Red lan ds Back2 Scho ol Jam re adie s s tu de nts for n ew y ear
PHOTO/CITY OF COLTON Colton City Clerk Carolina Padilla said residents looking to fill the District 2 vacancy on the City Council will have to go through an application process that will require a resume, letters of reference, and an essay explaining qualifications for the position. The deadline to apply is August 14. Mayor Richard DeLaRosa is also pictured.
Pepper Avenue bridge to be completed by next week
A6 By Anthony Victoria
Gloria’s Corner Words To think About Legal Notices Opinion Classifieds
A3 A5 A8 A4 A7
HOW TO REACH US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com
August 10, 2017
Colton City Council aiming to fill I-10/Pepper vacant seat through appointment Avenue By Anthony Victoria
Medin a, T ill man ru nn ing for SB school board
PHOTO/ANTHONY VICTORIA The Pepper Avenue Interchange project is scheduled to be completed by early next week, County transportation officials said on Aug. 7.
he Pepper Avenue Interchange project at Interstate 10 in Colton is scheduled to be completed by early next week, announced the San Bernardino County Transportation Agency on Monday. Transportation officials will join county and city leaders on August 15 at 10 a.m for a ribbon cutting ceremony. Members of the public are encouraged to attend. The bridge’s completion marks the latest achievement by the SBCTA to improve county transportation. It is the fifth project to be upgraded along the I-10 since 2011. Improvements include wider on and off ramps, drainage Bridge cont. on next page
San Bernardino he County Transportation Authority, formerly known as San Bernardino Associated Governments, in partnership with the City of Colton, County of San Bernardino and Caltrans, is working to complete the construction of a new Interstate 10 Pepper Avenue Interchange that will feature a five-lane bridge and improved ramps. Once completed, the wider bridge will provide better traffic circulation for area residents, businesses and visitors to and from the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. Construction began in April 2016, and the new bridge is scheduled to open in mid-August. Additional work will continue through fall 2017 to complete the project. Fri., Aug. 11, 2017 11 pm – 7 am Westbound I-10 off- ramp and on-ramp �Full closures of westbound I10 Pepper Avenue off-ramp and on-ramp. As an alternate route, westbound I-10 motorists can use the Rancho Avenue off-ramp, travel north at the end of the ramp, west on Valley Boulevard to connect with northbound Pepper Avenue. To access the westbound I-10 onramp, motorists will be directed west on Valley Boulevard, south on Riverside Avenue. Please see detour map below. Fri., Aug. 11, 2017 11 pm – 7 am Eastbound I-10 off- ramp and on-ramp Full closures of eastbound I-10 Pepper Avenue off-ramp and onramp. As an alternate route, eastbound I-10 motorists can use the Riverside Avenue off-ramp, travel north at the end of the ramp, east on Valley Boulevard to connect with northbound Pepper Avenue. To access the westbound I-10 on-ramp, motorists will be directed east on Valley Boulevard, south on Rancho Avenue.