W e e k l y COLTON COURIER Vol 146, NO. 34
August 9, 2018
A drive thr u is coming to Leno’s Rico Taco By Manny B. Sandoval
THIS WEEK Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
Rep. Aguilar hosts job fair Pg. 5
eno’s Rico Taco has been nothing less than a gift to the city of Colton, which has been open since 1991. Leno Moreno, owner of the restaurant, is native to the city and a graduate of Colton High School. “Every school year, when school is out, Colton High School students stop by the restaurant to eat, at least 15 to 20 of them; which is special to me because I graduated from there,” said Moreno. After 10 years of service in the restaurant industry, Moreno’s mentors encouraged him to open up a restaurant of his own. “Our chile verde is very popular, we’ve shipped it out to different states, the kids love our carne asada fries. We have customers who’ve moved out of state, calling us, saying they need a fix, so we ship our food out to them; our food has reached Alabama, Texas and the Cayman Islands,” said Moreno.
He says it is a big buzz and exciting when a customer requests a food delivery to another state. “We’re just a mom and pop restaurant that’s been in business for over 28 years. Some of our popular dishes include enchiladas, chile relleno’s, carne asada tacos and burritos, we have a secret sauce used for marinade that is very popular,” continued Moreno. Leno’s Rico Taco has been nominated best Mexican restaurant to eat by the Sun Telegram. “We’ve been nominated best restaurant three different times. I couldn’t believe it because there’s a lot of other Mexican restaurants in the area. I can’t thank our guests and customers enough,” said Moreno. One factor that separates Moreno’s restaurant from others is that he operates the business every single day. “I’m pretty much there everyday. If I'm not there, my son, my wife, or my brother is. We treat our customers like family. We
Leno’s Rico taco has become a staple in the city of Colton over the past 28 years. know many of our customers by their first name,” Moreno said. He shared a story about how a customer recently stopped by asking him when the restaurant opened, the woman then pulled
out a photo of herself from when she was five years old, 23 years ago. The woman, now a mother, brought along her five-year-old daughter and captured her daughLeno’s, cont. on pg. 2
CJUSD welcomes new employees with interactive on-boarding prog ram
Weste r n Re gional Little Le ague Tour nament unde rway
Pg. 7
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5 Opinion
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New Teachers get ready for a tour of the district aboard a school bus for Day 2 of the New Employee On-Boarding (July 31)
he Colton Joint Unified School District’s first New Employee OnBoarding program took place July 30 and 31. This new program introduced new employees to district staff, informed them about important aspects about their jobs and the district, and
provided an opportunity for them to build relationships with their peers. The On-Boarding program is one of several employee trainings that take place prior to the beginning of the school year. Participants included 40 certifi-
cated (teaching) staff and 10 classified (non-teaching) staff, and one classified manager. The program included fun events designed to help staff to get to know one another as well as breakout sessions designed to acquaint new employees with the different departments in our dis-
trict. Teachers participated in the second day of trainings specific to classroom issues and the array of instructional technology tools available to them. Teachers also CJUSD, cont. on pg. 2