Vol 58, NO. 10
Febr uar y 25, 2021
Carolyn Tillman: Ref lections on 25 year s of ser vice, family histor y, and dreams for the future By Cynthia Mendoza
G o v. N e w s o m visits LLUMC Pg. 4
andemic restrictions aside, Carolyn Tillman began 2021 with nothing to do so to speak; no checking emails, no ringing phones, and no jam packed calendar. Welcome to retirement. At the end of 2020, Tillman retired from San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) after nearly 25 years of service as Special Assistant to the Superintendent. Tillman, who holds a degree in speech pathology/audiology from Loma Linda University, joined SBCSS in the fall of 1996 and served as Special Assistant to the Superintendent overseeing various programs throughout the years, including SBCSS Wellness Strategic Plan, the state funded Nutrition Education Program, a regional coordinator PHOTO CAROLYN TILLMAN for the California Department of From left to right: Linda Miranda, Chico Garza, and Carolyn Tillman. This photo was taken in Education’s Safe Schools January 2015 at the swearing in ceremony for current superintendent Ted Alejandre. All three retired at the same time, having served as Special Assistant to the Superintendent in different Tillman, cont. on next pg. areas.
Red Cr oss calls for blood donations, community
asked to give blood on Mar. 1 at community center
Boys & Gir ls Club members re ceive f re e books Pg. 8
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com
ecord-breaking cold and winter storms across much of the U.S. has forced the cancellation of hundreds of American Red Cross blood drives in about 30 states and caused more than 15,000 blood and platelet donations to go uncollected. The Red Cross is urging healthy individuals, especially those with type O blood, to give now to ensure blood products are available for patient emergencies when help can’t wait. The San Bernaradino community is invited to donate blood on March 1 at the Center for Youth & Community Development, 468 W 5th St, Suite 212, from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Every day thousands of patients rely on lifesaving blood donaDonation, cont. on next pg.
The Red Cross is urging all healthy individuals to donate much-needed blood. A blood drive will be held on Mar. 1 at the American Legion making it easy for Colton residents to donate blood.