El Chicano 02 13 20

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Vol 58, NO. 08

Febr uar y 13, 202 0

San Ber nardino City employees accuse Mayor John Valdivia of sexual harassment, hostile work envir onment By Maryjoy Duncan


www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

wo former San Bernardino City employees who resigned from their positions two weeks ago have retained legal representation to file a claim against Mayor John Valdivia for sexual harassment, hostile work environment and illegal financial activity, allegations their attorney Tristan Pelayes said are supported by “plenty of evidence” - text messages, electronic communication and witness accounts. The two victims, Mirna Cisneros and Karen Cervantes, shared their experiences during a press conference in front of City Hall on Thursday, Feb. 6 with their attorney.

Jean R an d al l ce l ebrat es 1 0 0 ye ar s Pg. 5

According to Pelayes of the Law Offices of Pelayes & Yu, Valdivia’s inappropriate conduct involved sexual advances, vulgar comments about women, talk of his own sexual escapades and repeatedly telling his clients that in order to be successful and secure professionally they had to spend time alone with him after Claim, cont. on next pg.


Former SB city employees Karen Cervantes (L) and Mirna Cisneros (R) held a press conference Thursday in front of SB City Hall with their attorney Tristan Pelayes (middle).

San Ber nardino Police Depar tment promotes Explorer Scouts

Redlands High wins Academic Decathlon Pg. 6

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner




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From left-to-right: Advisor Police Sgt. John Echevarria, Corporal Jocelyn Bejar, Corporal Martha Delgado, Sgt. Jorge Vargas, Captain Juan Loera, Corporal Travon Davis, Corporal Jacob Echevarria, Sgt. Jennifer Garcia, Lieutenant Jose Velasco, Advisor Police Officer Jennifer Davila, and Retired Homicide Detective & Police Reserve Officer Glen Carr. By Ricardo Tomboc


n Wednesday, Feb. 5 the San Bernardino Police Department (SBPD) held a promotional ceremony for eight Police Explorer Scouts

advancing their ranks. The ceremony was held at the San Bernardino Police Department where parents, family, friends, and staff members all took part. The SBPD Explorer Post 303 is a non-Scouting subsidiary of the

Boy Scouts of America and is available to young adults ages 14 to 20. Out of 25 peers, these eight Explorer Scouts accomplished several prerequisites that award-

ed them their ability to move up their ranks. SBPD Chief Eric McBride addressed the audience and congratulated each of the Explorers as they received their certificates and promotional pins. Promotion, cont. on next pg.

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