El Chicano 03/03/22

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Vo l 59, NO. 11

March 0 3, 2022

Rep. Aguilar invites San Ber nardino teacher to be vir tual guest for State of the Union Empire and across the country thanks to the resources provided in the American Rescue Plan, but none of this would be possible without the dedication of teachers like Ms. Moran. I am proud to welcome her as my virtual guest to the State of the Union Address.”

Community News



ep. Pete Aguilar invited Erin Moran, an English teacher at Cajon High School in San Bernardino to be his “Hometown Hero” virtual guest to President Biden’s State of the Union Address to Congress. The State of the Union Address will highlight President Biden’s first year in office and outline the administration’s legislative agenda. While safety protocols mean this year’s in-person attendance will be limited, Rep. Aguilar inviting Erin as his virtual guest is an important way to recognize the accomplishments of the previous year and honor the working families of the Inland Empire.

SBSO presents Romeo & Juliet vs. West Side Story Pg. 5

“At this time last year, only forty-six percent of America’s schools were open to students, but today that number is 99 percent,” Rep. Aguilar said. “We have made tremendous strides this past year in the Inland





Erin Moran teaches 9th and 11th grade English at Cajon High School in San Bernardino, CA. A product of a good public education, both her parents are teachers, her sister is a teacher, and her daughter is currently in 9th grade at the school where she teachers.

“Because of the American Rescue Plan, we were able to open schools safely, ensure vaccines are widely available, and bring much-needed peace of mind to our community. It has been incredibly rewarding to see our students back in the classroom learning and interacting with their peers,” said Erin Moran, who plans to watch the State of the Union address from her home in Redlands. “I’m grateful to President Biden and Congressman Aguilar for their work to keep schools open and their deep commitment to our students.” Moran, cont. on next pg.

San Ber nardino business owner Kimmy Wilson quit her job and thrived in entr epr eneur ship By Manny B. Sandoval


an Bernardino Native and Cajon High School alum Kimmy Wilson had a baby at age 20, was in a problematic intimate relationship, and working at a job she wasn't passionate about. Then one day turned her passion into a successful business.

CHC alumnus create new endowment fund

House of Rags is the result of making her clothing around the time she gave birth to her daughter when she couldn't afford to shop the latest trends or coolest clothing, so she made her own, predominantly jean attire.

Pg. 8


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Kimmy Wilson has been designing custom clothing for over 10 years and today people can purchase this “A LEWK! Rag Dress,” along with over 80 other designs available on the website.

"I naturally inherited the designer talent because my family owned a garment cutting business in LA for over 30 years. I decided to make my clothing because I didn't have much money. My daughter's dad was Wilson, cont. on next pg.

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