El Chicano 03 17 22

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Vol 59, NO. 13

March 17, 2022

Community mour ns the passing of long-time e d u c a t i o n a l l e a d e r D r . To m R i v e r a Community News


SUSB long-time administrator and educational leader Tom Rivera, “Dr. Tom” passed peacefully on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 surrounded by his family at the age of 82.


Rivera was raised and educated in south Colton. From 1958 to 1960, he was a student at San Bernardino Valley College. He earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in arts from CSU Los Angeles, as well as a doctorate from UCLA. CSU Los Angeles granted him teaching and administrative qualifications, as well as a counseling credential from UC Riverside. COURTESY PHOTO

Local payrolls exceed prepandemic levels Pg. 4

Beloved educator and administrator Dr. Tom Rivera passed away peacefully on March 8 surrounded by family. Services will be held on Friday and Saturday; although the family wants to accommodate all those who wish to grieve or honor Dr. Tom, they ask the wider public to please keep in mind that the church is small and cannot accommodate the physical prescience of too many mourners. The live stream link for Friday and Saturday is: https://youtu.be/q-iCDD5XGkg.

From 1970 to 1972, Rivera worked at San Bernardino Valley College as a Counselor/Human Relations Coordinator. He went Dr. Tom, cont. on next pg.

Committee recommends independent redistricting commission, Ranked Choice Voting for San Ber nardino By Maryjoy Duncan


Topgolf opens first location in Southern California Pg. 5


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Charter Review Committee (CRC), appointed by San Bernardino City Mayor and Council, met regularly over the last few months to review any suggestions from the community and make recommendations as to how to improve the charter. The CRC unanimously passed two initiatives during their December and January meetings - to establish an independent redistricting commission starting in 2030, and to adopt Ranked Choice Voting, an alternative to the traditional method of voting for one candidate. According to James Albert, a member of the CRC and the Advisory Redistricting Commission in the 2020 process and current member of the League of Women Voters San Recommendation, cont. on pg. 2


Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), a process whereby voters would select candidates by picking their first-choice candidate with the option of choosing backup candidates in order of preference: second, third, etc. It eliminates the two-choice system and opens the process up to multiple candidates.

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