El Chicano 04 08 21

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Vol 58, NO. 16

Apr il 08, 2021

City of San Ber nardino to present contract with Cemex for concrete stockpile removal to city council for approval By Maryjoy Duncan


he City of San Bernardino executed a contract on Apr. 2 with Ontario-based construction company Cemex Corporation, after obtaining an abatement warrant, to remove the concrete stockpile at the top of Palm Avenue for $1.47 million. An additional $530,000 will be allocated for project contingencies and water use, for a $2 million price tag that the City hopes to recover from the developer, Pacific Coast International, through likely litigation. The contract will be presented to city council for approval under Item 30 on Wednesday, Apr. 7.


First virtual event takes pl ac e Ap r.1 9 Pg. 3



The $1.47 million proposed contract with Cemex to remove the concrete stockpile will be presented to city council this Wednesday.

According to staff, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was not required per city code because the project was treated as an emergency. Cemex and North American Recycling & Crushing were asked to provide proposals, Stockpile, cont. on next pg.

Inaugural Black Innovation in STEAM Awards presents nonprofits $1,000 grant to enhance diver sity, equity, inclusion By Manny B. Sandoval


an Bernardino’s Arrowhead United Way hosted its Inaugural Black Innovation in Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Art and Math (STEAM) Awards on Friday, March 26.

Caden Center: Mighty Ducks Pg. 8


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

Five local non-profit organizations were surprised with a $1,000 check via a Zoom celebration and each had the opportunity to express how the grant will further enhance the programing of their organization. All five organizations underwent a vetting process, and maintain a mission and vision that aligns with United Way’s initiative of enhancing opportunity and resources for the youth in the San Bernardino community and beyond. STEAM, cont. on next pg.



Arrowhead United Way surprising four San Bernardino and one Rialto non-profit organizations with $1,000 grant to benefit diversity, equity and inclusion programming in the community.

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