El Chicano 04 22 21

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Vol 58, NO. 18

Apr il 22, 2021

Music Changing Lives pr omotes equity in outdoor spaces, celebrates 23rd anniver sar y By Manny B. Sandoval



usic Changing Lives celebrated its historic 23rd anniversary on Sunday, April 18 with a milkweed-planting event at the Music Changing Lives Resource Center, located at 301 W. 40th St. in San Bernardino. This planting event is part of a larger initiative, as a forthcoming urban plant and butterfly garden is on its way, which will strengthen the equity amongst outdoor spaces in the city.

IECN recognizes Earth Day Pg. 8

Attendees had the opportunity to plant milkweed and participate in a six-week project, where families will grow caterpillars into butterflies. They’ll feed the caterpillars, look after them and once they turn into butterflies, release them into the garden. MCL, cont. on next pg.



Music Changing Lives celebrated its 23rd anniversary on Sunday with a milkweed-planting event. Pictured is MCL founder and CEO Josiah Bruny and 6th Ward Councilperson Kimberly Calvin.

Athletes for Life transfor ms San Ber nardino youth into master s of their own craft By Manny B. Sandoval


thletes for Life teamed up with the San Bernardino YMCA in February 2020 to provide youth in the city an opportunity gain equitable educational opportunities through Masterclass.

Empire KVCR receives $377,000 in COVID-19 relief Pg. 4


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

“Our students now have access to a program that energizes, motivates, and inspires today's high school students with Athletes for Life After School Academy in partnership with the San Bernardino YMCA, though our AFL MasterClass and MasterAchieve Programs,” said Founder and CEO Greg Bell. The newly implemented programming was made possible due to a generous grant from the online education platform MasterClass. “This program provides students in the city with an opportuAFL, cont. on next pg.



Athletes for Life MasterClass and MasterAchieve Programs have been enriching the minds of youth and adults in San Bernardino, free of charge, strengthening equitable educational opportunities in the city since February 2021.

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