El Chicano 04/28/22

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San Ber nardino City Council candidates discuss priorities

Vol 59, NO. 19

April 28, 2022


By Manny B. Sandoval

ith the June 7th election date quickly approaching, Inland Empire Community News (IECN) reached out to all San Bernardino City Council candidates in wards 1, 2 and 4 to gain an understanding of their priorities and how they plan to address some of the city’s biggest issues.


While all seven of the candidates running for council were contacted, five of them responded.

Red Hot Chili Peppers first to perform at Yaamava’s new theater Pg. 3



The San Bernardino City Council Wards 1, 2 and 4 elections are being held on June 7, 2022.


According to the official list of candidates on the city’s website, incumbent Theodore Sanchez is running against San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Director Gil J. Botello for Ward 1; while incumbent Sandra Ibarra is running against Safety Commissioner Terry Elliot in Candiddates, cont. on next pg.

Three in SBCUSD honored as A d m i n i s t r a t o r s o f t h e Ye a r

ach region of the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) annually recognizes the outstanding performance and achievement of individual school administrators and classified managers in several categories.

Redlands Camera Club invites new members to photoshoot Pg. 8


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This year, three San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) administrators were honored by ACSA Region 12 for their exceptional leadership in managing school programs, commitment to professional growth, commitment to educational quality and student achievement, and creativity in addressing issues facing public education.

The Region 12 Student Services Administrator of the Year for 2022 is Dr. Marlene Bicondova, the Director of Positive Youth Development for SBCUSD. Dr. Bicondova has a proven track record of creating positive outcomes for youth. As a principal, she transformed Curtis Middle


Three San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) administrators were honored by ACSA Region 12 for their exceptional leadership in managing school programs, commitment to professional growth, commitment to educational quality and student achievement, and creativity in addressing issues facing public education. Pictured from left: Dr. Marlene Bicondova, Director of Positive Youth Development; Pacific High School Principal Dr. Natalie Raymundo; and Shana Smith, Assistant Director of the Employee Development Department.

School from one of the lowestperforming middle schools in the county into a high-performing school by implementing a proactive approach to student success that focused on daily assessments that informed teacher instruction.

For the past four years, Dr. Bicondova has worked at the District level to reduce chronic absenteeism and suspension rates. Her signature accomplishment has been the creation of the SBCUSD Bullying Intervention

System, which uses restorative practices and Undercover AntiBullying Teams as the key components, which work to change school culture to stop bullying Awards, cont. on pg. 2

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