Vol 58, NO. 15
April 02, 2020
San Ber nardino Pastor s United fills hunger gap
County suspends evictions Pg. 5
Pastors an Bernardino United distributed bags of groceries to residents at the Way World Outreach campus on Arrowhead Ave. on Saturday morning. 40 volunteers helped hand out food items to over 200 people that included beans, flour, bread, baby food, turkey patties and beverages. “We cannot neglect those in
need, people are hungry,” declared Rev. RD Young of Ecclesia Christian Fellowship pictured top left photo on the right. Similar food giveaways will occur at the end of April and May during the time of month when families may experience food shortage as they wait for checks/food stamps. The Way
World Outreach is providing grab and go lunches at 11:30 a.m. Monday - Thursday at 1001 N. Arrowhead Ave., and will be distributing food at 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays, and 1:30 p.m. Sundays. “This is what I have to do because I was one of those people in line, I know what it feels like,” remarked Pastor Dion
Taylor, President of the Cruz Chacon Foundation, pictured in top right photo about participating in food distribution events. Participating churches: The Way World Outreach, Chacon Foundation, Ecclesia Christian Fellowship, Life Changing Ministry, Treasure of the Heart and Victory Outreach.
County Public Health tests 450 people for coronavir us in fir st drive-thr u site
C OV I D -1 9 outbreak in Yuca i pa nur si ng facility Pg. 5
Suppor t our local restaurants Pg. 3 PHOTO
The county’s first drive-through testing site was held at the National Orange Show on Friday, Mar. 27. Additional sites will be available in different areas of the county as testing kits become available.
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an Bernardino County Department of Public Health offered the first drive-through testing site at the National Orange Show on Friday, March. 27 conducting 450 tests. People were required to pre-register for the test online or by
phone and screened based on their symptoms. According to DPH Public Information Officer Lana Culp, future testing sites are planned as testing kits become available. San Bernardino County has
updated its coronavirus dashboard to include the number of cases by city. The feature was added on Monday, Mar. 30 and can be viewed at wp.sbcounty.gov/dph/coronavirus.
"The number of cases by city provides a picture of community spread within our county," stated County Acting Health Officer Dr. Erin Gustafson. "However, residents of cities not listed or with COVID, cont. on next pg.