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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 57, NO. 15



Apr il 04, 2019

Cesar Chavez m emor ial celeb rat ion brings inspiration to Inland community

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner Pg. 3


SB Symphony season ends with focus on skies Pg. 6


The 8th Annual Cesar Chavez Memorial Breakfast held on Saturday at Cal State San Bernardino drew hundreds from the region. By Manny B. Sandoval


n Saturday, March 30, the 8th Annual Cesar Chavez Memorial Breakfast was held at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB).

The motivating event was hosted by District 47 Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes and featured many speakers throughout the program.

“The end of all education should be service to others. Get that degree…and bring what you

learned back to your community. There are so many people out there who need help,” said Reyes. The program began with the Pledge of Allegiance by New Mexico National Guard Veteran Danny Morales.

“There are 36,000 deported veterans. Most are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and they are suffering. We would like to see them get their citizenship…they fought for this country,” Morales said. Chavez, cont. on next pg.

Non-profit distributes free books, food, ch i ld c ar e r es ou r c e s du r i ng Fam il y P la y Da y Community News


hild Care Resource Center (CCRC) brought San Bernardino parents, children, local child care providers and business owners together for a free community event, at their 6th Annual Family Play Day in San Bernardino, Mar. 16. Thanks to charitable sponsors, enthusiastic volunteers and a dedicated staff, CCRC was able to support the health, early education, and well-being of over 2,500 local families.

Citrus Harvest Festival marks beginning of Spring

Pg. 8

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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Child Care Resource Center hosted its 6th Annual Family Play Day last month.

This free community event offered fun learning activities for both children and parents including a reptile exhibit, storytime, S.T.E.M (science, technology, engineering and math) activities, and information regarding child care options countywide. Parents walked away with great community resources and education on how to promote brain building and school readiness within their homes. One booth in particular, Baby Box, influenced the out-

look of parenthood for expecting families. “To receive the Baby Box and to be able to help my daughter and grandkids is such a blessing. It’s wonderful that the community comes together to serve each other.” Vernise Walker, mother of two and grandmother to 1, with another on the way. She was overwhelmed with joy with the ability to provide her pregnant daughter with a sleep care unit for her intended grandchild due in August. Inspired by a longstanding Finnish tradition, the Baby Box program is more than just a box – it’s an innovative education tool that reinforces the importance of safe sleep practices including: always laying a baby on his/her back, making sure their sleep station is secure, and never including anything whatsoever in the sleep setting. CCRC and Baby Box partnered about a year ago, and has since distributed nearly CCRC, cont. on next pg.

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