Vol 58, NO. 22
May 20, 2021
Tr ucker’s Summit provided infor mation on environmental regulations, incentive prog rams to upgrade f leets By Ricardo Tomboc
SB County on the road to r ecover y Pg. 3
n Thursday, May 13th the North American Pallet Association (NAPA) and the Western Pallet Association partnered with the City of San Bernardino to host a Trucker’s Summit held at Sergio’s Pallets Manufacturing located in San Bernardino. Over 50 key trucking business people from the Inland Empire region were in attendance. The main message during the summit had to do with the current pollution regulations passed in California which has impacted the entire trucking industry. Taking the lead, Jessica Torres one of the CEO’s with Sergio’s Pallets Manufacturing and a Board of Directors Member with NAPA, wanted to do something positive in her industry and in the Summit, cont. on next pg.
Luis Ojeda San Bernardino businessman, Jessica Torres, CEO of Sergio’s Pallets Manufacturing, San Bernardino Mayor John Valdivia, and Sergio Reveles, CEO of Sergio’s Pallets Manufacturing.
City of San Ber nardino par ticipates in National Day of Prayer 2021
Expungement and hiring event at T h e Wa y Pg. 4
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com
Community leaders and speakers at the 2021 National Day of Prayer from left: Pastor Danny Moreno - Victory Outreach, Pastor Robert Cuencas - The Way World Outreach, Dr. Joshua Beckley - Ecclesia Christian Fellowship, Dr. Paul Ogando - the Rock Christian Fellowship, Mayor John Valdivia Mayor, Dr. Tracy Johnson - Immanuel Baptist Church, Rache’l Perl - Hebrew Christian Witness, Pastor RD Young - San Bernardino Pastors United, Dr. Michael Andrew Owens - New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Missionary Cassandra Walker, and Pastor Dan Roth - the Rock Church & World Outreach Center. By Ricardo Tomboc
n Friday, May 7th; about 200 people gathered at the old San Bernardino City Hall north parking lot to commemorate the
National Day of Prayer. In 1988, Congress, by public law, called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as the “National Day of Prayer.” For several years, a prayer service
was held at the San Bernardino City Hall, where people could gather and pray for the City and Nation. For the past 6 years Pastor Alan Rosenburg from the Christian
and Missionary Alliance Church chaired the event, but recently passed away. This year Mayor John Valdivia asked Pastor Dan Roth from the Rock Church to chair the committee. Several area Prayer, cont. on next pg.