El Chicano 05/26/22

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Vol 59, NO. 23

May 26, 2022

Central City Coffee is grounded in inclusivity and on a mission to elevate San Bernardino


Basketball spor ts update from Caden Henderson Pg. 3

By Manny Sandoval

While initial discussions to launch a coffee shop began in 2019, plans quickly went south after the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, but Central City Coffee Co-owners Peter


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Initially, the duo was connected via a mutual friend and the two had a mutual goal, a love for cof-

fee and a passion for civics.

“Back in 2019 Peter and I realized that there wasn’t a coffee spot in San Bernardino that truly served as a meeting space where community members could meet, get involved, and network with

one another. In early 2020 we attempted to purchase a unit in Downtown San Bernardino but loan providers were skeptical because of the unstable economy Coffee cont. on next pg.

In du str y S um mit at SBVC Br ing s S tud ent s and


Community News

May 30th is M e m o r i a l D a y. Thank you to all in unifor m, w ho ’ ve s acrificed much in the line of duty

Rodriguez and Alejandro Gutierrez Chavez pivoted and truly found a way to blend coffee and civics.

istorically, solving the formula of closing the gap between workforce development and workforce needs has never been simple. But it has always been very important.

That importance was exactly why a company called Tomorrow’s Talent teamed up with San Bernadino Valley College (SBVC) on April 22 for the first-ever “Our Students / Your Talent” Industry Summit.

The Our Students / Your Talent Industry Summit was a seminar held at SBVC for local trade groups to learn how to improve their methods of connecting with college-age students. It brought together business leaders and educators from all over the region for the sole purpose of SBVC, cont. on pg. 2

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