El Chicano 05 21 20

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Vol 58, NO. 22

May 21, 202 0

Family Assistance Program, Mitla Café distribute food in Bobby Chisum’s memory



Doc pens his final ar ticle Pg. 5


The Family Assistance Resource Community Resource Center in San Bernardino partnered with Mitla Café to distribute 150 burritos to the homeless in the city’s westside in honor of Bobby Chisum, left, a homeless man they have come to know and care for. Bobby died in his sleep on May 7. A memorial is planned for next Wednesday, May 27 at La Placita Park on Mt. Vernon. Top right pictured from left: FACRC Outreach Coordinator Levi Detherage, Youth Advocate and Mentor Ginger Bedolla, Yesenia Carmona, Center Manager Jenaro Martinez with daughter Madeline Martinez, and Mitla Café Manager Patti Oquendo. By Maryjoy Duncan


obby Chisum was a gentle and soft-spoken man who became homeless after a chain of events took place beginning with the loss of loved ones in a fatal car crash that sent him into an abyss of depression. Later Bobby was put in a coma

after being struck by a car – the lasting physical effects of which made it difficult to find work. When the Family Assistance Community Resource Center opened its doors in San Bernardino’s west side last year at the former Home of Neighborly Services location, Bobby was one of their first

guests. “He was one of those clients that was a good guy, we just wanted to take care of him, we liked him, he was a really good, super honest, nice guy,” noted Community Center Manager Jenaro Martinez.

Bobby, 62, died in his sleep on May 7 on the street, and news of his death came as a shock to Martinez and staff who bonded with the man who had become a regular at the facility located on Mt. Vernon Ave. “We got to know him really well Bobby, cont. on next pg.

San Ber nardino County to rescind 501C3 homelessness related funding, results in rally By Manny B. Sandoval

Pg. 8

Support our local restaurants Pg. 9


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right and early on May 19, several 501(c)(3) nonprofits and partnering agencies rallied together to elevate the voices of homeless youth across the region. On May 6th, numerous agencies received a letter from Assistant Executive Officer of San Bernardino County, CaSonya Thomas, explaining that promised funding to the 501C3 would be reduced to assist with the county’s response to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-32-20; which grants spending flexibility on COVID19 homelessness-related efforts. In total about $2 million of Homeless Emergency Assistance Program (HEAP) funding would Nonprofits, cont. on next pg.



Darrell Frye of Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County, Keann Castillo of Family Assistance Program and Prince Ogidikpe of Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes’ office utilizing COVID-19 safety measures, while making their voices heard loud and clear.

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