El Chicano 06 03 21

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Vol 58, NO. 24

June 03 , 2021

Senior Center dance honor s the fallen By Ricardo Tomboc



Children’s Fund fosters hope in community Pg. 4

n Saturday, May 29th, the Highland Senior Center Dance Group (HSCDG) honored those in the military service that had paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we now enjoy. It was an exciting moment for the veterans at the senior center as they gathered around an American Flag paying tribute to the fallen. A group of about 45 Country Western and Ballroom Dancers have met at the Highland Senior Center for some much-needed social interactions and dancing, yet many still maintain COVID19 precautions. Some dance only with their partner the entire time, but others will dance with other friends as well. Many used gloves, masks, and shields during the event. Bottles of hand sanitizers were placed on each table, and everyone urged to use the sanitizer after each dance. Dance, cont. on next pg.



Veterans paying tribute to the fallen heroes (from left-to-right) Jim Snow, Danny McCabe, Bill Davis, Richard Rivera, Charletta Campfield, Reuban Boyce, Pete Lopez, Herm Schumann, Ed Bougie, Bernard Wayne Moore, Satastian Sehan, Art Cooper, and Doug Sloney.

San Ber nardino City Council approves thorough 2021/2022 Road Maintenance Prog ram

Bloomington Br uins head to pla yof fs Pg. 5 PHOTO


Nine identified San Bernardino city streets will be repaired and/or rehabilitated between October 2021 and April 2022


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

By Manny B. Sandoval


n May 19, San Bernardino City Council approved the 2021/2022 Road Maintenance Program, in which the city antic-

ipates receiving $4,284,841 in SB1 funds to support the repair, rehabilitation, and improvements of the identified street segments. The streets identified to have the highest priority in need of repair and rehabilitation include

portions of King Street, Highland Avenue, K Street, Pumalo Street, Churchill Street, Baseline Street, 28th Street, Parkdale Avenue and Mill Street. “The City recently completed a city-wide pavement condition

assessment study. The results of that assessment were incorporated into and evaluated through a Pavement Management System software database. The evaluation methodology took into Maintenance, cont. on next pg.

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