Vol 58, NO. 27
June 25, 2020
CSUSB frater nity raises money to donate meals to hospital worker s
CSUSB Delta Sigma Phi Eta Beta chapter members stand alongside hospital staff at Dignity Health Community Hospital in San Bernardino. The chapter had raised more than $1,000 and bought meals for the hospital staff.
Rialto High student takes 1st place in ar t contest Pg. 5
embers of the Delta Sigma Phi Eta Beta chapter at Cal State San Bernardino raised more than $1,000 through a virtual fundraiser to buy meals for hospital workers at Dignity Health Community Hospital in San Bernardino. “We as a fraternity wanted to do something special for the hardworking frontline workers who are currently fighting COVID-19 every day,” said chapter president Adrian Valdivia.
The fraternity used the money to purchase meals from Alanbertos Mexican Food, a family-owned business in San Bernardino, said Valdivia, who graduated this month with a degree in communication studies with a concentration in public relations. The chapter arranged to buy 160 burritos as well as chips and water, Valdivia said. On June 12, at about noon, Valdivia and fellow chapter member Juan Saucedo, a senior
majoring in liberal studies with a concentration in psychology who will graduate in the fall, donated the meals to the healthcare workers. “The members of Delta Sigma Phi are very thankful to everyone who donated for this amazing cause, and we want to acknowledge all the heroes who are currently fighting this disease,” Valdivia said. “Stay strong!” The Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Eta Beta chapter has been at Cal
State San Bernardino since 1985 and was one of the first fraternities on campus. Delta Sigma Phi is a national, not-for-profit fraternity whose mission is to “empower and encourage our members to become Better Men – men of courage, men of action, and men of excellence,” according to its website. The fraternity has 124,219 members, 105 active undergraduate chapters and new chapters and 14 active Alumni Associations/Chapters.
San Ber nardino Police Depar tment to r eceive grant funding fr om Depar tment of Justice, response to COVID-19 By Manny B. Sandoval
Feeding America launches first Summer of a Million Meals campaign Pg. 7
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising: sales@ iec n.c om
t the San Bernardino City Council meeting on June 17, council was notified that the San Bernardino Police Department was awarded a grant from the Department of Justice, to aid the department in its coronavirus response efforts. “The San Bernardino Police Department has accepted the BJA Fiscal Year 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program Grant in the amount of $632,422,” said City Manager Teri Ledoux. The $632,000 will be allocated to personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, and supplies. “On May 26, 2020, the San Bernardino Police Department submitted an application requesting $632,422 in grant funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond
to the coronavirus. The Department’s application was approved, and the full amount has been awarded to the Department. There is no cost matching responsibility from the City with this grant,” said Eric McBride, acting chief of police. McBride shared that since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous officers within the agency have been placed in harm’s way. “The Coronavirus has harmed law enforcement agencies through several avenues. COVID-19 exposure resulted in the depletion of supplies, temporary removal of equipment, and reduced personnel for quarantine purposes. Additionally, cities have experienced protests, increase in crime, and a higher PHOTO CITY OF SB demand for efficient online ser- The San Bernardino Police Department accepts $632,000 from vices,” concluded McBride. Department of Justice to enhance COVID-19 response for the department & the community. Pictured is acting chief of police Funding, cont. on next pg. Eric McBride.