Vol 58, NO. 29
July 08, 202 1
Time f or Change Foundation f ounder Kim Car ter por trayed by
Jennifer Hudson in film directed by Taraji P. Henson
ounded in San Bernardino, California in 2002, and expanded into the Bay Area in 2018, Time for Change Foundation's (TFCF) mission is to empower disenfranchised low-income individuals and families by building leadership through evidence-based programs, and housing to create selfsufficient, and thriving communities. Academy Award winner Taraji P. Henson will direct Academy Award Winner Jennifer Hudson in 'Pepcy & Kim,' a part of Iervolino Entertainment's star studded anthology project 'Tell It Like a Woman'.
$37 million to moder nize SBVC , C HC Pg. 5
This project is seen by the nonprofit as a means to expand on their mission. “If Kim could do it, so can other women,” says Time for Change Foundation Executive Director Vanessa Movie, cont. on next pg.
Kim Carter will be featured in one of seven segments of a film that highlights inspiring women. Pictured from left: Kim Carter, Andrea Iervolino, Taraji P. Henson, Jennifer Hudson.
Wi th e ye s towa r ds th e fu tu r e , Ro sa Ma ri a’s remembers what got them here By Eric Sandoval
osa Maria’s Mexican Food has been serving the Inland Empire for over 40 years. Rosa Maria’s story is as fresh and delightful as their food. “My grandmother would send my uncle and grandfather burritos for their lunch. Their coworkers would always want some of the burritos - they even started to buy them off my grandmother. Many of the co-workers encouraged my grandparents to open up a restaurant. My grandparents thought about it, then decided to open up their first Rosa Maria’s restaurant on Sierra Way in San Bernardino,” shared Mary Seager, granddaughter, Social Media Representative, and Human Resources.
Independence Day car show at the Villas Pg. 8
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com
Rosa Maria’s opened its first restaurant on Sierra Way in San Bernardiono in 1975. Pictured is the second in Highland. Owners keep their history, customers and employees at the forefront of their operating model.
Since opening their first restaurant in 1975, Rosa Maria’s has Rosa Maria’s, cont. on next pg.