El Chicano 07 22 21

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Vol 58, NO. 31

July 22, 202 1

City leaders emphasize need for Violence Inter vention Program funding



K VC R w i l l continue to broadcast with funding Pg. 3

ollowing another shooting in San Bernardino leading to the arrest of a 15-year old and the death of a 14year old, over 40 people gathered at a press conference to demand that city leadership increase funding to the Violence Intervention Program (VIP) which has been proven in other cities to drastically lower gun violence in communities similar to San Bernardino. Councilmembers Kimberly Calvin and Damon L. Alexander spoke in support of funding an alternative to reactionary policing. “I will back anyone up doing the right thing, this is the right thing.” said Councilmember Alexander of the city’s 7th ward. Community and faith leaders from San Bernardino Common Ground for Peace organized a VIP, cont. on next pg.


San Bernardino City Councilmembers Kimberly Calvin (6th Ward) and Damon L. Alexander (7th Ward) sat in attendance as speakers gave testimony to their work.

San Ber n ar dino Po lice Dep ar tm ent ’s Br iefin g Room Podcast has t aken the communit y and wor l d by stor m By Manny B. Sandoval


n March 23, 2021, San Bernardino Police Department debuted its community acclaimed SBPD Briefing Room Podcast, and has since taken the world by storm. With topics ranging from human trafficking, female police, to law enforcement job interviews, and everything in between…its hosts Lieutenant Michele Mahan and Sergeant Jose Castro have profoundly hosted, produced and edited each episode themselves, amidst their many other daily job responsibilities.

B of A Student Leaders announced Pg. 5


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Briefing Room Podcast hosts Lieutenant Michele Mahan and Sergeant Jose Castro recording a new episode on Tuesday, July 13 in the Community Services Studio, located in SBPD’s old jail facility, which was not previously utilized.

But, as of late the podcast has paid off, tremendously, as it’s made its way around the inland region and international countries…while most recently becoming somewhat of a pillar to law enforcement job seekers. Podcast, cont. on next pg.

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