El Chicano 07 29 21

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Vol 58, NO. 32

July 29, 202 1

San Manuel Band of Mission Indians breaks ground on innovative commercial center



El Sol invited to White Ho use e ve nt, r ec ogni zed b y D r. F a u c i Pg. 4




Pictured from the left to right: San Manuel Business Committee Member Edward Duro, San Manuel Business Committee Member Karina Torres, San Manuel Treasurer Latisha Casas, San Manuel Vice Chairman Johnny Hernandez, Jr., San Manuel Tribal Citizen Trevor Mathews, San Manuel Secretary Audrey Martinez, San Manuel Chairman Ken Ramirez, San Bernardino Mayor John Valdivia, Inland Valley Development Agency Deputy Director Michael Burrows, and San Manuel Chief Executive Officer Laurens Vosloo pose prior to the ceremonial turning of earth at the San Manuel Landing Groundbreaking Ceremony.


he San Manuel Band of Mission Indians was joined by civic leaders and community partners on Friday to break ground on San

Manuel Landing – a state-of-theart commercial center, supply and logistics facility that will further the Tribe’s commitment to long-term investment in the eco-

nomic development of the region. The ceremony was held at the former Norton Air Force Base, where the new facility will be built.

San Manuel Landing is one of the Tribe’s latest investments in urban renewal and community Center, cont. on next pg.

S BVC l aunches machini st t raining pil ot pr og r am f or i ndiv iduals wi th autism


mong Americans with disabilities, there is a high rate of unemployment and underemployment — something San Bernardino Valley College and the Uniquely Abled Project are working to change.

Redlands Bowl season retur ns in-person Pg. 8


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

This August, Valley College will launch a pilot program providing Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinist training to individuals with autism. This first cohort of eight students will receive on-campus instruction and hands-on work experience using SBVC's state-of-theart machinist technology, with San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board later providing job placement. The program will be made possible thanks to a $10,000 award from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, $15,000 from the San Bernardino Valley College Foundation, and PHOTO SBVC    This August, Valley College will launch a pilot program providing Computer Numerical Control Program, cont. on next pg. (CNC) machinist training to individuals with autism.

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