e e k l y W EL CHICANo Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!
Vol 54, NO. 35
Mexican Independence Day celebration Gloria’s Corner scheduled for Sep. 15 at Moreno Valley College A3
Ex em pl ary Arroyo Val ley Hi gh stu dent Mar lene L imon IECN PHOTO
Mexican Consulate officials seated with Moreno Valley City Council members and Moreno Valley College leaders during a press conference in San Bernardino on Aug. 11. The Consulate's annual "Grito" event will be held at Moreno Valley College on September 15. By Anthony Victoria
exican consulate officials announced Friday that their annual Mexican Independence Day Celebration this year has a new
location--Moreno Valley. The re-enactment of El Grito de Dolores, Mexico’s symbolic revolutionary war cry, will take place at Moreno Valley College on Sep. 15. Consul Salomon Rosas Ramirez
A3 A5 A9 A4 A8
HOW TO REACH US Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com
Grito, cont. on next page
By Anthony Victoria
Inland Empire Community Newspapers
believes Mexico’s Declaration of Independence symbolizes an important day for both Mexicans and Latinos. “We want to send a message of unity to our community,” said
Discussions on Mt. Vernon bridge improvements underway
Gloria’s Corner Words To think About Legal Notices Opinion Classifieds
August 17, 2017
Total solar eclipse Monday
Aug. 21 Date of the solar eclipse
C rafton H i ll s graduates 87 th Param edi c clas s
IECN PHOTO ANTHONY VICTORIA The Mt. Vernon Bridge, originally built in 1934, is quickly deteriorating from underneath and is in need of improvements. The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, with the help of local and state agencies, is aiming to begin construction of the bridge by 2020. They are in the beginning stages of planning the bridge's improvements, according to SBCTA Project Lead Paula Beauchamp.
romises have been made before to make improvements to Mt. Vernon Street bridge, but some San Bernardino residents and business owners say they’d have to “see it to believe it.” “It’s been brought up a lot in recent years,” opined Mitla Restaurant manager Steve Oquendo. “Yet, it’s never been done.” San Bernardino County Transportation Authority officials have confirmed that they are currently in the planning stages of transforming the bridge from a cracking, crumbling overpass into a sturdy, reliable structure. They’ve received ample support from the California Transportation Commission (Caltrans), Burlington Northern Santa Fe, and state and local leaders to launch the project. Construction is slated to begin in 2020, although state leaders Bridge, cont. on next page
9 a.m. Time the solar eclipse will be visible from Southern California 1979 The last time the region had a partial solar eclipse Where to view the eclipse: Cal State San Bernardino Solar scopes and eclipse viewing glasses will be available for those attending the gathering which will be on the lawn in front of the library. 10 a.m. Cal State San Bernardino, on the lawn in front of the library, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino. Free. 909-537-5000, csusb.edu.
Bi-weekly mini job fairs
ini job fairs will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the AJCC, 658 E. Brier Dr., Ste. 100 in San Bernardino. Please be prepared to interview with employers and dress for success. Many conditional job offers are made on the spot. Job fair hours are from 9 a.m. 12 p.m. featuring 15 - 20 employers. Bring plenty of resumes and cover letters.