El Chicano 08 19 21

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Vol 58, NO. 35

August 1 9, 2021

The Great Crate Connection to engage residents in the City of San Ber nardino By Manny B. Sandoval


Great Crate he Connection, a forthcoming initiative coordinated by local San Bernardino Artist Jessica King, will engage children, new homeowners, the homeless population and possibly you.


This initiative was brought to life through the Arts Connection project Blocks of Care, where local artists were tasked with creatively engaging residents across the community…in this case it will foster artwork creation amongst children, provide resources to new homeowners, and provide essential supplies to the homeless.

Students engage in science camp Pg. 4



The Great Crate Connection begins with 15 crates that will be distributed to 15 children who will create a piece of art for new homeowners and a homeless person; then those crates will be given to new homeowners with informational resources added to the mix, homeowners will then return their crates containing essential supplies to be distributed to the unsheltered in the city.

“With the Great Crate Connection I’m interacting with 15 residents in San Bernardino and at the same time garnering data as to what they would like to see in the city when it comes to art funding and new programming,” said King.

The Great Crate Connection consists of four moving parts - a crate filled with art supplies/canvases/flower pots that have already been provided to 15 children to paint and return; then on August 28, at San Bernardino Food Fest the crates will be given to new homeowners with informational resources and a special housewarming gift, homeowners are asked to return their crates to the Garcia Center with essential supplies for homeless; next, the crates will be used to distribute supplies to the unsheltered in the city; finally, King will use the crates to create a monumental piece of art in the city. “I’m sincerely hoping that government organizations and businesses in the city take advantage of this opportunity to donate just 15 items of swag and/or their informational marketing materials that we can place in the crate for new homeowners in the city,” continued King. Connection, cont. on next pg.

SB Chamber celebrates g rand opening, ribboncutting ceremony for ‘Little League Jack’

By Ricardo Tomboc


Ch il dr en ’s Fund sole fundraiser Monday Pg. 8


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

n Thursday, August 4th, the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce (SBACC) held a Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting ceremony for the new Jack in the Box located just west of Palm Ave. and Kendall Drive, in the Verdemont Neighborhood. Showing their commitment to the community, the front side of the Jack in the Box building reads “Little League Jack.” Several giant sized baseball decorative monuments are positioned outside of the building by the side entrance and the drive through window. Several dignitaries showed up for the ribbon cutting ceremony; certificates were presented from the offices of Assemblymember Jack, cont. on next pg.

PHOTO RICARDO TOMBOC Certificates were presented to Hamid Sharafatian, Franchise President of the Envision Foods (Jack in the Box franchisee) during the grand opening celebration on August. 4. Pictured from left: Sharafatian, S.B. County Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr., City of San Bernardino Mayor John Valdivia, Council member Damon Alexander (and his granddaughter), Sue Shindel and Navid Sharafatian from Envision Foods.

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