El Chicano 08 15 19

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Vol 57, NO. 34

August 15, 2019

H u n d r e d s o f S a n B e r n a r d i n o r e s i d e n t s s p e a k o u t a t FA A hearing on Eastgate air-cargo logistics project By Manny B. Sandoval


n Thursday, August 8, hundreds of residents from San Bernardino and beyond spoke both in favor of and against the Eastgate Project, an air cargo logistics center, during a Federal Aviation Administration public hearing inside Norton Regional Events Center.

www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

Many attendees showed their support by carrying signs, wearing t-shirts, and by speaking out during public comment at the hearing. The hearing was well supported, and it was evident the amount of interest the project is continuing to garner, when the building reached capacity and over-flow seating extended outside.

Ser vice clubs treat students to shopping spree Pg. 5



Hundreds of community members gave public comment at the Federal Aviation Administration’s hearing on the airport expansion project, Eastgate, on Thursday, Aug. 8.

The forthcoming 750,000 square foot project has already Eastgate, cont. on next pg.

W hy San Ber nardino High School is known as “Cardinal City” By Maria Santoyo


Students take advanta ge of free college Pg. 6

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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Former California Governor Edmund Brown discussing the Cardinal City Charter with SBHS alumni Michael Lippitt.

an Bernardino High School, also known as ‘’Cardinal City,” is the only high school to be considered a city. The idea of Cardinal City was introduced in 1949 but was only official for Cardinal citizens. In 1956, San Bernardino Mayor Donald Mauldin, who was a cardinal alumni as well as SBCUSD superintendent, signed the Cardinal City Charter, making SBHS an official city in San Bernardino. In 1963, Michael Lippitt, a student at SBHS who was serving as the unofficial mayor of Cardinal City, took the next step, presenting the idea to Governor Edmund Brown who signed what is now known as the Cardinal City Charter. 56 years after he graduated from San Bernardino High School Lippitt was enthusiastic to hear back from his alma mater and explain how the idea of the city charter came about.

“As a junior I met an intellectual, introverted, and, basically, socialist democrat - although that term did not exist. His name was Richard Rodriguez. He was wildly curious and acutely aware of the political environment at the city, state and federal levels. He saw something in me that I didn’t know about myself at the time: that I could have a future in politics. He was an avid reader and had some deep familial relations with The Sun. Because of those contacts, he had access to then-Governor Edmund Brown. Richard led the charge, through my leadership but his vision, to approach our Principal Keith Dolan with the idea of getting a City Charter. This idea passed our student council and we appealed to our local assemblyman to create a bill to make that a reality. Over a period of time, several months, the bill passed and was signed by the Governor. At some point after that, the Governor came to town to hand deliver and bestow on us the charter.”

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