El Chicano 09 17 20

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Vol 58, NO. 39

Septem ber 17, 20 20

Fe r r e r, d e e m e d l e g a l l y b l i n d , r e t u r n s to career in photography

www.iecn.com Gloria’s Corner Pg. 3

Cal State SB hosts month-long celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month Pg. 5


Gary Ferrer conducted his first photo shoot on Sunday, Sept. 6 with models Nitzia Chama, a TV anchor on Envisión (pictured left) and Monse Mena, 13, (right photo) a folklórico student of Gary’s. By Maryjoy. Duncan


ary Ferrer of San Bernardino enjoyed a successful career in fashion photography until he con-

tracted meningitis in 2016 that cost him his eyesight. After weeks of battling depression and coming to terms with his new normal, Gary emerged with a newfound passion in dance, and soon created a youth folklorico

group, teaching neighborhood kids the art of cultural dance in the nearby church for a couple of years until the parish evicted him without a specific reason. Fast forward four years, Gary,

deemed legally blind, has come full circle when he embarked on a renewed journey into photography, this time with a darker, deeper perspective resulting from loss Gary, cont. on next pg.

Childhood Cancer Foundation of Souther n Califor nia raises $9,209 during 2020 Vir tual Kids Walk By Manny B. Sandoval


Chaffey College receives funding to assist Latino students Pg. 7


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

hildhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California (CCFSC) held its annual Kids Walk in an all-new virtual format, September 1-13. The event drew in 1,140 walkers, who pledged to go the extra mile for children fighting cancer. “Today we celebrate all of you who pledged to go the extra mile for children diagnosed with cancer through your participation in the 2020 kids walk; which entailed choosing to walk a daily mile and fundraising through donations or purchasing items at our shop,” said Stephanie Avila, Childhood Cancer Foundation of Fields, cont. on next pg.



Team Naomi Acosta gathered support from 15 family members to walk in honor of Naomi’s victory in beating cancer, and all of the children battling cancer around the world.

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