El Chicano 09 26 19

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Vol 57, NO. 40

Septem ber 26, 201 9

El Chicano celebrates 50 years By Maryjoy Duncan


www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

he El Chicano publication celebrated its 50th anniversary as an independent press on Thursday, Sept. 19 at the Garcia Center for the Arts in San Bernardino with state officials, local dignitaries, school officials and a community of supporters. The El Chicano was established in 1968 by a small group of concerned citizens in San Bernardino. It served as a vehicle to provide a voice to the underserved and underrepresented Mexican-American community. Initially funded by the Ford Foundation grant through the University of California at Riverside during its first year, the El Chicano lost funding due to a cartoon of an elected official at the time that was deemed inap-

D r. A b e r s o l d ’ s close calls Pg. 5

Shor t film explores homelessness Pg. 7

El Chicano, cont. on next pg.



The community gathered at the Garcia Center for the Arts to celebrate El Chicano’s 50th anniversary on Thursday, Sept. 19. Pictured from left: San Bernardino City Councilman Jim Mulvihill, Kiwanis Club of Greater San Bernardino President Pam Montana, El Chicano and IECN publishers Gloria and Bill Harrison, Rialto Unified School District Communications Director Syeda Jafri, and San Bernardino City Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Dale Marsden.

Libreria del Pueblo honor s eight women of distinction

Abigail Medina

Emma Lechuga

Gwendolyn Dowdy Rodgers

Irene Morales

Mary Figueroa

Rachel Warner

Victoria Baca

Linda Miranda

on Friday, September 27, at the National Orange Show, Renaissance Room. Honorees are Abigail Medina, member of the Board of Trustees for the San Bernardino City Joint Unified

School District; Emma Lechuga, Latin Business Institute; Gwendolyn Dowdy Rodgers, Community Development Specialist, Uplift Family Services and Founder of Young

Women’s Empowerment Foundation; Irene Morales, Retired Executive Director of Inland Counties Legal Services;

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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Community News


ibreria Del Pueblo, Inc. (LDP) honored eight Women of Achievement

LDP, cont. on next pg.

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